VQAssessment / FAST-VQA-and-FasterVQA

[ECCV2022, TPAMI2023] FAST-VQA, and its extended version FasterVQA.
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LSVQ database #5

Closed hello02world closed 2 years ago

hello02world commented 2 years ago

I wanted to download LSVQ database, but the colab official website is not be open. Do you have any download path?Can you share with me?

teowu commented 2 years ago

We have this database but we wonder whether we can be able to share this without permission from LIVE-Lab, the original collector for it. This is a copyright-related issue and we must take care.

My suggestion is that you may ask Zhenqiang Ying (author of LSVQ/PVQ) by email to obtain the download path, or if permitted by him or other authors, you can come back to us and we will share our collection.
