VR-25 / acc

Advanced Charging Controller
GNU General Public License v3.0
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damon stopped with exit code 1 pixel 8 A14 #251

Closed nutpantz closed 4 months ago

nutpantz commented 4 months ago

stops every time in lees then two minutes i assume the logs are all the same but here are 4 logs

a14 pixel 8 pro

nutpantz commented 4 months ago


ill try the one you posted in the other issues


it also crashed, but did not pop up with a log. so i tried 22-06-04 and it is not crashing after 5 minutes. so i hope its working i will report back with any issues

VR-25 commented 4 months ago

Try the following build: acc_v2024.4.22-rc_202404220_2049.zip

nutpantz commented 4 months ago

it ha not crashed yet acca is not showing the charging speed (but is showing it is charging) temp is -1c/30.2f (which is wrong) voltage is 0 health unknown.

i had acca set to stop at 83% at 82 % i got a system notification that charging was "protecting my battery" and charging stopped.

i have adaptive charging turned off in system settings.

so i think it is working. or at least it did not crash at all. ill test some more. and report back if anything changes or i have more info.

VR-25 commented 4 months ago

Nice. Now, could you share a fresh log archive to see what's behind the incorrect reports (current, voltage, etc.)?

nutpantz commented 4 months ago


These help?

VR-25 commented 4 months ago

Yes. I'll take a look soon.

nutpantz commented 4 months ago

Another fresh log with latest from my pixel 6 acc-logs-oriole_2024-04-27_08:41:03.tgz

(Fit the lack of charging details)

nutpantz commented 4 months ago

And another fresh from my pixel 8pro acc-logs-husky_2024-04-27_08:34:52.tgz

Anything else i can do to help. Just let me know

VR-25 commented 4 months ago

It's now an AccA's own fault. If you run acc -i, you'll see charging details.

Perhaps I'll think of workarounds for the outdated AccA.

nutpantz commented 4 months ago

Is acca abandoned? Should i make a bug issue there so people know?

VR-25 commented 4 months ago

The developer stopped supporting it over two years ago.

nutpantz commented 4 months ago

I was hoping it was still supported. I'll make a bug issue there And hopefully someone interested will fork it

It's not a big deal for me, i just need the charging to stop and start correctly. (And a way to test settings)

Thanks for all your work.

VR-25 commented 4 months ago

Here's a new build: acc_v2024.5.11-rc_202405110_1223.zip