VREMSoftwareDevelopment / WiFiAnalyzer

Android application to analyze WiFi signals.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.24k stars 606 forks source link

Convert from Java to Kotlin #294

Closed VREMSoftwareDevelopment closed 4 years ago

VREMSoftwareDevelopment commented 4 years ago


Develop Android apps with Kotlin

Modern and expressive

Kotlin's modern language features allow you to focus on expressing your ideas and write less boilerplate code. Less code written also means less code to test and maintain.

Safer code

Improve your app quality with Kotlin. @Nullable and @NonNull types are baked into Kotlin's type system to help you avoid NullPointerExceptions. Kotlin also has many other language features to help you avoid common programming mistakes.


Call Java-based code from Kotlin, or call Kotlin from Java-based code. Kotlin is 100% interoperable with the Java programming language, so you can have as little or as much of Kotlin in your project as you want.

VREMSoftwareDevelopment commented 4 years ago

will be available in next release.