VRPirates / rookie

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crashing #127

Closed Mikeyj97 closed 1 month ago

Mikeyj97 commented 1 month ago

my app was working fine a few days ago i ended up going away for a few days and now any time i launch it says theres a unrecognised app and when it tries to read the data it crashes rookies

crashlog -

Date/Time of crash: Tuesday, August 27 @ 08:37PM (UTC) Message: Input string was not in a correct format. Inner Message: None Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal Source: mscorlib TargetSite: Void StringToNumber(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles, NumberBuffer ByRef, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo, Boolean) Stack Trace: at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) at System.Number.ParseUInt64(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt) at AndroidSideloader.MainForm.<>c__DisplayClass76_0.b__1() at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state) at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

debug log -

09:01:49.700 PM (UTC): [INFO] [MainForm.InitializeLogger]

Program Launched at: 10:01PM(UTC)

09:01:49.828 PM (UTC): [INFO] [d__32.MoveNext] Starting AndroidSideloader Application 09:01:49.859 PM (UTC): [INFO] [Sideloader.downloadFiles] Current RCLONE Version 1.66.0 09:01:49.869 PM (UTC): [INFO] [d__32.MoveNext] Attempting to Initalize ADB Server 09:01:49.873 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: kill-server 09:01:49.939 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: start-server 09:01:55.021 PM (UTC): [ERROR] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037

09:01:55.054 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updatePublicConfig] Attempting to update public config from main. 09:01:55.363 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updatePublicConfig] Retrieved updated config from main: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vrpyou/quest/main/vrp-public.json. 09:01:55.496 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updatePublicConfig] Public config updated successfully from main. 09:01:55.579 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateDownloadConfig] Attempting to Update Download Config 09:01:55.933 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateDownloadConfig] Retrieved updated config from: https://vrpirates.wiki/downloads/vrp.download.config 09:01:55.934 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateDownloadConfig] Online Config Hash: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e; Local Config Hash: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 09:01:55.934 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateDownloadConfig] Updated Config Hash matches last download. Not updating. 09:01:55.934 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateUploadConfig] Attempting to Update Upload Config 09:01:56.020 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateUploadConfig] Retrieved updated config from: https://vrpirates.wiki/downloads/vrp.upload.config 09:01:56.020 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.updateUploadConfig] Upload config updated successfully. 09:01:56.022 PM (UTC): [INFO] [RCLONE.runRcloneCommand_DownloadConfig] Running Rclone command: listremotes --config vrp.download.config 09:01:56.152 PM (UTC): [INFO] [MainForm.initMirrors] Loaded following mirrors: 09:01:56.337 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.UpdateMetadataFromPublic] Downloading Metadata 09:01:56.338 PM (UTC): [INFO] [RCLONE.runRcloneCommand_PublicConfig] Running Rclone command: sync ":http:/meta.7z" "CurrentDirectory" 09:01:56.741 PM (UTC): [ERROR] [RCLONE.runRcloneCommand_PublicConfig] Rclone error: 2024/08/27 22:01:56 NOTICE: Config file "C:\Users\anslo.MIKEY\AppData\Roaming\rclone\rclone.conf" not found - using defaults

09:01:56.742 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.ProcessMetadataFromPublic] Extracting Metadata 09:01:56.743 PM (UTC): [INFO] [Zip.DoExtract] Extract: 7z x "F:\rookie-master\meta.7z" -y -o"F:\rookie-master\meta" -bsp1 09:01:58.451 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.ProcessMetadataFromPublic] Updating Metadata 09:01:58.687 PM (UTC): [INFO] [SideloaderRCLONE.ProcessMetadataFromPublic] Initializing Games List 09:01:58.744 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: devices 09:01:58.767 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] List of devices attached 305094e8 device

09:01:58.852 PM (UTC): [INFO] [d41.MoveNext] Devices: 09:01:58.854 PM (UTC): [INFO] [d41.MoveNext] 305094e8

09:01:58.868 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: -s 305094e8 shell df 09:01:58.904 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] /bin/sh: dumpsys: not found

09:01:58.952 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] /bin/sh: pm: not found

09:01:58.962 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: -s 305094e8 shell df 09:01:59.078 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: -s 305094e8 shell pm path /bin/sh: pm: not found 09:01:59.110 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] /bin/sh: pm: not found

09:01:59.114 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] Running command: -s 305094e8 pull "/bin/sh: pm: not found " 09:01:59.139 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] adb: error: remote object '/bin/sh: pm: not found ' does not exist

09:01:59.141 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunCommandToString] Running command: "C:\RSL\platform-tools\aapt.exe" dump badging "C:\RSL\platform-tools\base.apk" | findstr -i "application-label" 09:01:59.181 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunCommandToString] Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.22631.4037] (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\RSL\platform-tools>"C:\RSL\platform-tools\aapt.exe" dump badging "C:\RSL\platform-tools\base.apk" | findstr -i "application-label"


09:01:59.181 PM (UTC): [ERROR] [ADB.RunCommandToString] asset W 08-27 22:01:59 82204 82092] Asset path C:\RSL\platform-tools\base.apk is neither a directory nor file (type=1). ERROR: dump failed because assets could not be loaded

09:01:59.226 PM (UTC): [INFO] [ADB.RunAdbCommandToString] /bin/sh: dumpsys: not found