VRSEN / agency-swarm

The only reliable agent framework built on top of the latest OpenAI Assistants API.
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I just can figure this one out: FAIL: test_relevance_openapi_schema (test_tool_factory.ToolFactoryTest.test_relevance_openapi_schema) #105

Closed 360elements360 closed 2 months ago

360elements360 commented 2 months ago

FAIL: test_relevance_openapi_schema (test_tool_factory.ToolFactoryTest.test_relevance_openapi_schema)

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\User\Documents\CODE PROJECTS\agency-swarm\tests\test_tool_factory.py", line 106, in test_relevance_openapi_schema result_data = output['output']['transformed']['data']

KeyError: 'output'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\User\Documents\CODE PROJECTS\agency-swarm\tests\test_tool_factory.py", line 112, in test_relevance_openapi_schema
    raise AssertionError("Expected key not found in the output.")
AssertionError: Expected key not found in the output.

Ran 14 tests in 75.816s

FAILED (failures=1)
VRSEN commented 2 months ago

Avoid testing the tool factory as it requires API keys for various endpoints. For now, you can only run the test_agency file. Once you submit a pull request, I can execute the entire test workflow.