VRSEN / agency-swarm

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Baseless claim about autogen #113

Closed Morriz closed 2 months ago

Morriz commented 2 months ago

Your readme is out of date as autogen now has a custom speaker selection mechanism which makes it very easy to model agent interaction...

VRSEN commented 2 months ago

Is this very easy, in your opinion? https://microsoft.github.io/autogen/docs/notebooks/agentchat_groupchat_customized/

Sure, my claim about "uncustomizable" may be outdated now, but having to hardcode every single interaction does not seem easy to me.

Morriz commented 2 months ago

What? You have to model stuff the way you need it, and where that happens does not matter...

VRSEN commented 2 months ago

Do you understand that the complexity of communication increases exponentially with the number of participants? For example, with two agents, there is one communication flow; with three, there are three flows; with four, there are six flows; and with 50, there are 1,225 flows.

Please model those communication flows for 50 agents, and then tell me it doesn't matter.

Morriz commented 2 months ago

AutoGen shares one function that encompasses it all. I think you don't understand the implications. Plus you seem to think that it is advantageous to have a lot of agents to accomplish a goal? I don't think so. I suggest to model small bits. Just the amount that is needed is enough. We are merely assigning agent like identities to narrow down the scope of the request and providing only the relevant context, and then iterating over these steps to increase the quality of the output. I think it is a big mistake to see agents like people...

VRSEN commented 2 months ago

Have you even watched my content, man? I always say that you should start with as few agents as possible and not compare them with people. However, with the current pace of development in our AI agency, some of our clients are not far from having 50 agents running their business.

Regarding one function—that's exactly what I am saying. With autogen, you will have to implement at least 1225 conditions in a single function for 50 agents. (Probably more) You are, of course, welcome to do so, if that's easier for you. Check the implications later when you need to add another one.

I will remove "uncustomizable" from the docs soon.

Morriz commented 5 days ago

After all of these imlementations to orchestrate agent interaction I gravitate towards langgraph, as it is the most elegant and most of the time a group of agents listening to each other is detrimental to their performance. So full control over the interaction is key imo...