VRSEN / agency-swarm

The only reliable agent framework built on top of the latest OpenAI Assistants API.
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Feedback: Using Zapier in the introductory tutorial notebook is a bad UX #66

Closed afewell closed 4 months ago

afewell commented 5 months ago

I am really excited to use this project, I love the design decisions and if all goes well I would like to be a regular user and contributor.

I know in the tutorial notebook it says zapier is optional, but I would really like to learn as much as I can so I thought I would try, and I have never had such a frustrating experience trying to get an API key. I think they have changed their UI as all the bots are wrong, perplexity is wrong, your chatbot is wrong, all the instructions I can find are wrong. There is no option to create an app, their is a section that says apps, but when you create new you can create several things, none of which is an app. And yes I am using the developer platform. The default option to create a zap from the developer platform is an AI workflow that tries to use AI to build your zap, so using a value like "Agency Swarm Integration" as suggested by the Swarm Agent Chatbot doesnt work. There is an option to switch to manually create Zap, but its not even save-able until I configure at least one trigger and 1 action. The NLA Instructions say to connect your account to a custom action, but it is not usable until you select an available existing action from their list, I cannot find any way around it.

I have used a LOT of API's from a lot of sites, gotten a lot of api keys, never had much trouble until zapier, and I know it says the option can be skipped but I think putting something like this which can easily lead to frustration in the introductory tutorial which has a high risk of making people frustrated before they can even try agency swarm, and the problem has nothing to do with agency swarm.

I am not trying to insist that something be changed for my benefit, just offering a suggestion as I think not using the zapier integration in the introductory tutorial and maybe making it a separate example would be a better user experience and create a better assurance that new users have a good experience when first trying out agency swarm.

Thank you!

afewell commented 5 months ago

For clarity the link to the introductory tutorial notebook I am using is from the video, not on this repo. The link provided is https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1qGVyK-vIoxZD0dMrMVqCxCsgL1euMLKj#scrollTo=sY8FY_UwLKy_&uniqifier=2


VRSEN commented 5 months ago

Thanks for feedback @afewell. I totally agree with you. This notebook was created a long time ago, and needs an update. Do you have any suggestions for which tools to replace them with?

arnavsaxena17 commented 5 months ago

Get zapier key here : https://nla.zapier.com/credentials/

afewell commented 5 months ago

Wow Thanks for such a quick response ... honestly I wasnt expecting such a rapid response and I'd hoped to already have some updates to commit. I am still finding my way around but I will plan to make a PR with some revised suggestions for the notebook soon. If you would prefer to close this please feel free or if you want to leave it open I will reference it in my PR when I am able to propose an update.

Seeing such a supportive community here is extremely encouraging! Thanks again so much!

afewell commented 5 months ago

Going through this notebook has been a great learning exercise for me as you have done so many great updates since this was written, ive been going in and updating it with current methods. I still have more to update and am about out of time tonight but I will get it all updated to current methods and hopefully be able to submit it by tomorrow.

I am not a huge python fan because there is so much slop out there, usually I like rust and statically typed stuff but I really love what youve done here, I didnt know you could do typing or about pydantic functions or Instructor. Its been a real pleasure so far getting to play with it, cant wait to play with it more tomorrow!

Thanks so much for the great project!

afewell commented 4 months ago

Im going to go ahead and close this as the feedback has been received, additional guidance for finding the zapier key was provided (thanks arnavsaxena17), although even with the API key it did not work for me, it seems like additional setup of zapier may be required. In any case I know Arsenii mentioned he has hired someone for documentation, I also created a introductory notebook and tutorial, so I think its fine to close this issue. Thanks!