VRlxtech / MySQL-Database-Connector-Plugin-for-Unreal-Engine-5

Updated from MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin
MIT License
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Connection always fails #5

Open AbheestaV opened 1 month ago

AbheestaV commented 1 month ago

I have a MySQL DB setup and working. Tested it by connecting to it from a node application. Trying to connect to that from my UE5.3 project always outputs error message: "Connection is invalid!"

LogTemp: Error: MySQLInitConnection: Failed to Connect to Database!
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Untitled_C_1] Connection is invalid!

Screenshot from 2024-08-06 09-47-13 Screenshot from 2024-08-06 09-47-40

VRlxtech commented 1 month ago

I'm using on 5.2 and 5.3 and also 5.4, ty to replace localhost to and let me know

AbheestaV commented 1 month ago

Screenshot from 2024-08-07 22-08-16 Screenshot from 2024-08-07 22-09-20 Screenshot from 2024-08-07 22-10-42

It's the same issue. Do you think it's perhaps a MySQL version issue? I'm using MySQL 8.0

AbheestaV commented 1 month ago

Using an external MySQL Database like freesqldatabase seems to work. But the local MySQL DB doesn't work (although it works from node and python applications). There seems to be some specific configuration that is making this fail.

PicPinto commented 2 weeks ago

You must use MySQL 5.7.44 Worked for me