VSChina / azureiotdevkit_tools

tools for azureiot devkit
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URLs broken #60

Open jacqueskang opened 3 years ago

jacqueskang commented 3 years ago

It seems that many URLs referenced in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VSChina/azureiotdevkit_tools/master/package_azureboard_index.json are broken since more than 1 week especially those with domain name azureboard.azureedge.net

jacqueskang commented 3 years ago

As this file is referenced by the official microsoft documentation page https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-arduino-iot-devkit-az3166-get-started#quickstart-send-telemetry-from-devkit-to-an-iot-hub. It should be fixed asap.

asergaz commented 3 years ago

this is now fixed #please-close

BarDweller commented 3 years ago

The URLs are fixed, but the new URLs lead to packages with different MD5 checksums than the old packages had, and (more concerningly), the new package.json no longer includes MD5 checksum values for the new packages. (See the checksums being removed in this commit https://github.com/VSChina/azureiotdevkit_tools/commit/d0c76e57d1ad62610aab0773ba687d55df2e4c91#diff-000268fd8a2420d6a941a4fd11020d8abd745a131248ec434dc3ed7b99343603 )

This means we can no longer verify the toolchain is untampered with, or that the package represents the files that are expected to be used.

It's also unclear what has changed between the previously provided toolchain and the newly provided ones, other than the checksums no longer match. (Only openocd for windows has an identical checksum to the packages previously offered).

Also, note that openocd for linux 32 and 64 now share an identical checksum, where previously they differed.

New Checksum: c91be51ae5d63091b1cc23b557e16535
Old Checksum: bf854e1b8e3c99359a242d27ad45a3b7

New Checksum: c91be51ae5d63091b1cc23b557e16535
Old Checksum: 8faec7d75635e1473076607c78c9ddfb

New Checksum: 83e1ed6c7d7558f09c1e39f9c168126c
Old Checksum: 83e1ed6c7d7558f09c1e39f9c168126c

New Checksum: 8971d16aee5c2642b33ee55fc6c86239
Old Checksum: cc33d45956f146038c315880de83bdb1

New Checksum: 1a5c77148193ffe53a698386cd1bbfe1
Old Checksum: fa96e8b97c32544f78fb158c9bf12a39

New Checksum: 0c9dcb7893e9b2907ea3dcf4f11bb5cb
Old Checksum: 1c44cafab7d4c3d437c81828a6c85c7e

New Checksum: 4b5749e0248889b9a3b00852c1837a92
Old Checksum: 4ab6df0b9a61c3d88d2c5f10adccd563

New Checksum: e54d81242669409234909154169ad3f9
Old Checksum: 2bba9295b4d598d0677240f7c0420f0f
asergaz commented 3 years ago

@BarDweller thank you for your feedback. We are considering it and will get back to you when changes are done.

Note that our priority was first to bring broken URLS back to life so that you can continue using mxchip for your demos.

marcelfranke commented 1 year ago

The checksums seem again broken. I get the following error: archive size: fetched archive size differs from size specified in index

volpi3000 commented 1 year ago

The error is back again and it is not possible to install the board library atm. Sadly this means AZ3166 is broken right now.