VSoftTechnologies / DUnitX

Delphi Unit Test Framework
Apache License 2.0
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TestCaseAttribute to support sets #340

Closed joerg-github closed 5 months ago

joerg-github commented 6 months ago

I like to request the feature that TestCaseAttribute works with sets.

TTestEnum = (teOne, teTwo, teThree);

TTestEnums = set of TTestEnum;

[TestCaseAttribute('Test case 1', '[teOne, teThree]'), '|']
procedure TestCase(Value: TTestEnums);

The following converter needs to be added:

function ConvStr2Set(const ASource: TValue; ATarget: PTypeInfo; out AResult: TValue): Boolean;
  pInt: PInteger;
  AResult := TValue.From(0, ATarget);
  pInt  := AResult.GetReferenceToRawData;
  pInt^ := StringToSet(ATarget, Asource.AsString);

  Result := True;

The conversion array needs to get this change.

    // tkUString
      // tkUnknown, tkInteger, tkChar, tkEnumeration, tkFloat, tkString,
      ConvFail, ConvStr2Int, ConvFail, ConvStr2Enum, ConvStr2Float, ConvFail,
      // tkSet, tkClass, tkMethod, tkWChar, tkLString, tkWString
      ConvStr2Set, ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail,
      // tkVariant, tkArray, tkRecord, tkInterface, tkInt64, tkDynArray
      ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvStr2Ord, {$IFDEF DELPHI_XE3_UP}ConvStr2DynArray{$ELSE}ConvFail{$ENDIF},
      // tkUString, tkClassRef, tkPointer, tkProcedure, tkMRecord
      ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail, ConvFail {$IFDEF DELPHI_XE103_UP}, ConvFail{$ENDIF}
vincentparrett commented 5 months ago

Happy to accept a PR for this - be sure to add a unit test that shows the usage of this.