VTECRM / vtenext

vtenext the CRM for the Digital Innovation. It allows you to engage your customers into your business processes using a specific technology. It can also be used to manage processes generated by internal customers.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Don't use wildcard dependencies #4

Open millenium-codebug opened 3 years ago

millenium-codebug commented 3 years ago

composer.json lists many wildcard dependencies:

        "zendframework/zend-http": "2.2.*",
        "zendframework/zend-mail": "2.2.*",
        "videlalvaro/php-amqplib": "2.*",
        "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "1.8.*",
        "ezyang/htmlpurifier": "4.*",
        "smarty/smarty": "3.*",
        "phpmailer/phpmailer": "6.*",
        "league/iso3166": "2.*",
        "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "6.*",
        "stevenmaguire/oauth2-microsoft": "2.*",

Versions should always be pinned to a major version so that they don't break when the interface changes with major updates.

Also the following is abandoned:

I would also recommend to insert ALL dependencies (adodb for example) in ONE composer.json and please don't commit the vendor


Maybe you should evaluate violinist.io to automate the dependency update process

nileio commented 3 years ago

@millenium-codebug can't agree more - the dependancies are all over the place. I am actively working on a fork https://github.com/mavenea/mavencrm to fix many issues and provide a single click install - check out the backlog and roadmap and what is being worked on. I will include your suggestions

davidegiarolo commented 3 years ago

@millenium-codebug thank you for the advice, we'll pin the version with the right ones. about the zend libraries using the new ones (laminas for example) is a long time process so right now we prefer to fix bugs and maintain those old libraries by ourselfes, we use them mostly for the messages module. we take a look also to violinist.io in order to see if it can helps us

@nileio nice to see that you like our software! about the forks, personally i have an opinion that i want to share with you. a fork is a nice idea when:

millenium-codebug commented 3 years ago

@millenium-codebug thank you for the advice, we'll pin the version with the right ones. about the zend libraries using the new ones (laminas for example) is a long time process so right now we prefer to fix bugs and maintain those old libraries by ourselfes, we use them mostly for the messages module. we take a look also to violinist.io in order to see if it can helps us

Hi @davidegiarolo, I think that your are lying about the fixes of "those old libraries" in composer.json you should load a VTECRM/zend-http package instead of the official and deprecated one or do something like that

    "autoload": {
        "files": ["zend_http_override.php"]

I would like to show this and this to you. I think that if i check, that CVE would affect this repository (and the business version too) and this mean that the software is insecure.

davidegiarolo commented 3 years ago

hi, no one is lying here. simply as human I also can miss some details and i reported to you the feedback of our developers about that thread. consider that this repo is here to improve the software and the software is open so there is no way to lie... I telled you that we fix the old libraries but of course we fix the bugs we found, and the laminas example in place of the zend-mail was one of that. we'll appreciate if you can help us and check the CVE so we can mitigate the issue, or better if you can pull a fix you're welcome. as far as we know the software is secure and consider that we have third party that made penetration and owasp testing.

nileio commented 3 years ago

@millenium-codebug I appreciate that we having a discussion but I don't think it is at all appropriate to refer to a point or anything as being a "lie" !!

@davidegiarolo thanks for explanation. No dev activity in the repo and the forum response about the dev community was little unclear so it appeared more like a closed source product than anything else, and therefore the decision to make a fork. There is also a number of other design objectives that I listed in the backlog and vision in my repo. In all cases, most probably the module fixes + the new theme "blueberry" can be integrated with the core VTE product. I intend to push all the changes in the coming weeks..