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Change "master" branch to "main" and update documentation #709

Closed alawvt closed 4 years ago

alawvt commented 4 years ago


[dspace-devel] NOTICE: All DSpace GitHub "master" branches have now changed names to "main"

Jul 13, 2020

DSpace DSpace Developers,

Per a (unanimous) vote of DSpace Committers, all DSpace code repositories hosted at https://github.com/DSpace have had their primary branch renamed from master to main. We did so based on the publicly available instructions at https://www.hanselman.com/blog/EasilyRenameYourGitDefaultBranchFromMasterToMain.aspx

How does this affect you?

  1. If you have cloned or forked a DSpace GitHub codebase in the past, you will need to update this clone/fork to use the new "main" branch. In the near future, the (old) "master" branch will be permanently deleted. a. I've created a Gist which provides detailed instructions on how to update your local clone or fork: https://gist.github.com/tdonohue/f8596462ca717131036826e2b8ac003b
  2. As of now, no new Pull Requests will be allowed against the "master" branch. Please create any future PRs against "main" as necessary. a. Existing PRs which use "master" as the base branch will be moved over to the "main" branch or closed. As of now, any PRs created/updated this year have already been moved from "master" to "main". Any older PRs are not yet moved, but you are welcome to move them yourselfs -- simply Edit the PR and change the "base" branch from "master" to "main".

If you have any questions or run into any problems let us know on this mailing list!



We should probably change our master branch to match and update our documentation in this wiki, and vtlibans.