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Patron can't select collection even though she's in the submitters' group #742

Closed cecross1 closed 3 years ago

cecross1 commented 3 years ago

A. M. requested submission privileges to the Institute Publications collection in ICTAS, so I added her to the submitters' group. Later, she told me that when she signs in to her VTechWorks account and tries to start a new submission, she doesn't have any collections to choose from in the drop down list. I double checked the submitters' group for this collection, and confirmed that she was still in it. I also checked with her to make sure she was signing in with the correct email address (she is). I am not sure what could be causing this. Suggestions welcome.

alawvt commented 3 years ago

This was caused by duplicate epersons for this email address. I have removed the duplicate and contacted the patron.

cecross1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for catching that! I'm glad it was an easy fix.

alawvt commented 3 years ago

Yes, I searched epersons by first name and found the duplicate.

alawvt commented 3 years ago

I reported this issue in DS-4568 Possible to create multiple epersons with the same email address.

cecross1 commented 3 years ago

@alawvt Thanks for reporting this.