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Investigate adding the VT footer to VTechWorks #767

Closed alawvt closed 1 year ago

alawvt commented 2 years ago

Investigate adding the VT footer to VTechWorks


alawvt commented 2 years ago

It looks like the project for the Libraries' footer is vtlib-footer.

The VT footer is pretty complex. Also, I notices differences between the one in https://code.vt.edu/unirel/brand-header-footer and what is actually on the VT Libraries' pages. Given our staff size, I am concerned that we might have difficulty keeping up with changes to the VT footer.

alawvt commented 2 years ago

I think it's a great idea to add to the library's footer to VTechWorks! I created a web component for the code, so that would be the best way to add it to the site. The code for it is in this repository: https://code.vt.edu/library-web-services/customelement-footer.

The Readme file explains how to use it, but basically you would want to include this code in the header portion of the page:

<!-- Polyfills for backwards compatibility -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<!-- End polyfills -->
<!-- Font Awesome link may be skipped if already present -->
<!-- Web component -->
<script src="https://lib.vt.edu/content/dam/lib_vt_edu/vtlib-footer.js"></script>

And this code wherever the footer needs to be on the page: (*Note: If you want the swoop image with a white background, use swoop="white". If you want the swoop image with a gray background use swoop="gray")

<vtlib-footer swoop="gray">
    <i class="fab fa-twitter" slot="vtlib-footer-twitter"></i>
    <i class="fab fa-instagram" slot="vtlib-footer-instagram"></i>
    <i class="fab fa-youtube" slot="vtlib-footer-youtube"></i>
    <i class="fab fa-facebook-f" slot="vtlib-footer-facebook"></i>

Please let me know if you have any questions and run into any issues with getting this added to the site. - AW

alawvt commented 2 years ago

It doesn't look like the VT footer gets added with this script. How are you adding the VT footer to the library web page? Is it added in the CMS or are you coding it?

That is correct, the CMS has additional branding controlled by University Relations. The library's branding does not include the additional VT footer or the black very top bar. Here's an example of a fully branded library website: https://iawa.lib.vt.edu/. So what the web component produces is all you need for the footer. This was how our communications team directed me to develop the footer. - AW

alawvt commented 1 year ago

One concern we had was how tall the Libraries footer was, which would add considerably to our already long pages. We would still also need to provide the existing VTechWorks footer. Adding the Library footer is not simple since it must be integrated in the DSpace code. Since the web technology has changed greatly between the version on our current repository (DSpace 6.3) and the next version (DSpace 7.4), it might be best to integrate the footer into DSpace 7, which @keithgee has begun work on.

alawvt commented 1 year ago

The front end stack for DSpace 7 is now based on Angular. I'll be attending a DSpace 7 workshop for developers on November 17th which specifically mentions institutional branding and welcome you to attend. - @keithgee

DSpace 7: Free Webinars in November

alawvt commented 1 year ago

I am closing this until we implement DSpace 7.