Some requirements aren't listed in the readme. Microsoft Visual C++ 14 or higher and swig are necessary.
When following the steps described in 'Installation using conda', we ran in to
ERROR: Failed building wheel for pywinhook
error: command 'swig.exe' failed: None [end of output]
After installing swig using pip install swig, the above was solved. It was then followed by
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools":
After installing Visual Studio Build Tools 2022 (17.5.1) using the Visual Studio Installer, Microsoft Visual C++ 14.35.31938 was installed (2015-2022 Redistributable).
This allowed pip install pywinhook to complete successfully.
Some requirements aren't listed in the readme. Microsoft Visual C++ 14 or higher and swig are necessary.
When following the steps described in 'Installation using conda', we ran in to
After installing swig using
pip install swig
, the above was solved. It was then followed byAfter installing Visual Studio Build Tools 2022 (17.5.1) using the Visual Studio Installer, Microsoft Visual C++ 14.35.31938 was installed (2015-2022 Redistributable).
This allowed
pip install pywinhook
to complete successfully.Suggested to update this in the readme!
Kind regards,
FGB Brain and Behavior Lab Team