VUnit / vunit

VUnit is a unit testing framework for VHDL/SystemVerilog
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VUnit testcases fail if the testcase name contains a colon (SystemVerilog) #1009

Open PossenigM opened 2 months ago

PossenigM commented 2 months ago

I noticed that the VUnit testcases in a SystemVerilog testbench will always fail if their testcase name contains a colon. I attached a minimal example including a simple script and a minimal testbench with two testcases. I tested this on two separate windows machines and got the same results on both pcs. Is this a bug in vunit or is something else wrong here?

from vunit import VUnit

# Create VUnit instance by parsing command line arguments
vu = VUnit.from_argv()


# Create library 'lib'
lib = vu.add_library("lib")

# Add all files ending in .sv in current working directory to library

# Run vunit function
`include "vunit_defines.svh"

module tb_Test;
   `TEST_SUITE begin
        // Note: Do not place any code here (unless you are debugging
        // VUnit internals).

        `TEST_SUITE_SETUP begin
            $display("Running test suite setup code");

        `TEST_CASE_SETUP begin
            $display("Running test case setup code");

        `TEST_CASE("Test: Fail") begin

            // This testcase always fails because there 
            // is a colon in its name


        `TEST_CASE("Test Pass") begin

            // This testcase will pass
            // Note: There is no colon in its name


        `TEST_CASE_CLEANUP begin
            // This section will run after the end of a test case. In
            // many cases this section will not be needed.
            $display("Cleaning up after a test case");

        `TEST_SUITE_CLEANUP begin
            // This section will run last before the TEST_SUITE block
            // exits. In many cases this section will not be needed.
            $display("Cleaning up after running the complete test suite");

   // The watchdog macro is optional, but recommended. If present, it
   // must not be placed inside any initial or always-block.
LarsAsplund commented 1 month ago

I will have to look closer why that is. Could also be simulator dependent. Which one are you using?

PossenigM commented 1 month ago

I am using Questa - Intel FPGA Starter Edition 2021.2