VUnit / vunit

VUnit is a unit testing framework for VHDL/SystemVerilog
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Add Synopsys VCS simulator support #134

Open cmarqu opened 8 years ago

cmarqu commented 8 years ago

I have taken a quick look into supporting the Synopsys VCS simulator. It looks like similar to Cadence's cds.lib, VCS needs a file .synopsys_vss.setup for the library name-to-path mapping. has some info about it. It would be nice if there was a class for reading and writing such a file, like the CDSFile class in for Incisive.

kraigher commented 8 years ago

I would like to help to create this support. But I want to remove the need for observing internal signals in the VHDL/SystemVerilog runner first. That way it is easier to port VUnit to new simulators.

cmarqu commented 8 years ago

FWIW, I had started this at

cmarqu commented 7 years ago

If somebody reading this has experience with VCS, please contact me, or speak up here.

cmarqu commented 7 years ago now has VCS support that is able to successfully run the example vhdl/user_guide.

svenka3 commented 7 years ago

A minor comment - in Synopsys terminology it's better if you call it VCSMX than plain VCS as seasoned VCS users get confused a bit.

On internal signal monitoring - there is hdl_xmr if needed

cmarqu commented 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll make that naming change soon. Internal signal monitoring is not necessary anymore I learned (just after I made the Tcl approach work :)). @svenka3 Is there a way to set usage of 64-bit executables via an environment variable, like $CDS_AUTO_64BIT in Cadence Incisive? Right now, I have hardcoded the -full64 option (because it's required for my installation), but if we would not need to care about this at all, it would be even nicer.

svenka3 commented 7 years ago

Can you try this:

“setenv VCS_TARGET_ARCH linux64

(Thanks to Vijay Kishore my ex-colleague)

cmarqu commented 7 years ago

Thanks Vijay and Srini, that variable works fine.

cmarqu commented 7 years ago

VCS MX either uses an environment variable SYNOPSYS_SIM_SETUP to find the file containing library mappings and other settings (synopsys_sim.settings or .synopsys_vss.setup it seems); or it searches the CWD, $HOME or in the tool installation for this file. There doesn't seem to be a corresponding command line switch in VCS MX.

What should the behavior be? Options:

If the SYNOPSYS_SIM_SETUP environment variable is defined:

If the SYNOPSYS_SIM_SETUP environment variable is NOT defined, and

kraigher commented 7 years ago

@cmarqu Some valuable principles to keep in mind.

  1. VUnit should depend as little as possible on the environment. It should ideally just need a fresh install of the simulator. That way people can ensure consistent simulations on different machines.
  2. Command line flags should only be added for things that change often from one invocation of to another. The sim setup file you mention does not sound like something that should be changed with different invocations of

Thus I would recommend just copying the sim setup file from the tool installation folder to the vunit output directory just like we do with modelsim.

svenka3 commented 7 years ago

Agree with @kraigher - usually this setup file is done once per design.

Thanks Srini

kraigher commented 6 years ago

@cmarqu Planning on finishing the VCS support?

cmarqu commented 6 years ago

I'd have to do some paperwork first, so probably not in the near term, sorry.

kraigher commented 6 years ago

@cmarqu Ok I understand. Just let me know if you need any support and I will try to help you

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

I've just started using VCS at work so can justify spending some time on this. @cmarqu Can I use your repo as a starting point or is there a 'paperwork' issue with that?

cmarqu commented 5 years ago

@benreynwar The existing repo is is free from any paperwork issues, so feel free. Nice to see this progressing!

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

@cmarqu Looks like you've updated your master branch since it contained the file. Do you still have it anywhere?

cmarqu commented 5 years ago

@benreynwar I think this is the latest version I had:

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

@cmarqu Thanks! Do you also have the that it uses?

cmarqu commented 5 years ago

Oh, right. Actually, I guess the right set of files is at

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

Alright. I've made extremely minor changes to get it installing. Branch is at:

I'm getting the following error when I run vunit/examples/vhdl/check/

=== Command used: ===
/data/tools/vcsmx/vcs-mx/N-2017.12-SP2-7/bin/vhdlan -f /home/ben/Code/vunit/examples/vhdl/check/vunit_out/vcsmx/vcsmx_compile_vhdl_file$

=== Command output: ===

Error-[ANL_CTXREF_INVALID] Invalid context declaration
/home/ben/Code/vunit/examples/vhdl/check/vunit_out/preprocessed/lib/tb_example.vhd, 11

  context vunit_lib.vunit_context;
  In the context reference, the selected name isn't a valid context 

Any tips on what's likely going wrong?

cmarqu commented 5 years ago

Ah yes - try running on this file (or all sources).

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

I'm currently stuck because for some reason the object file for the logger_pkg package is not getting generated, and so I get error messages when linking. No error message is getting generated before the linking message so debugging is a little tricky. I've put a support request in with synopys so I'll see whether they're able to help.

LarsAsplund commented 5 years ago

@benreynwar is that support request open so that anyone can see?

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

@LarsAsplund No, I don't think it's possible to make it public. My next step is to produce a minimal testcase that reproduces the issue independently of VUnit so that I have a better chance of getting help from them.

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

Synopsys support has reproduced the issue and are looking into it.

benreynwar commented 5 years ago

Synopsys has identified the bug and fixed it in O-2018.09. I'm not sure which official build release it will be a part of. I'm including a snippet where they describe what part of the VUnit code was triggering the bug:

There was a code generation optimization bug for handling up-level references to unconstrained parameters from a nested impure function.

Source code "src/logger_pkg-body.vhd" which is causing issue.

…… …… impure function source_to_color (logger_name : string) return string is // issue variable l : line;

impure function create_string return string is      // issue
  variable lines : lines_t;
  variable num_items : natural;
  lines := split(logger_name, ":");   // issue
  num_items := integer'(lines.all'length);

……. …….

sbhutada commented 4 years ago


I have integrated VCSMX as well - but I am not getting proper exit status.

I have updated o sim_if/ o sim_if/ o I have also added some print diagnostics to o o

When I run the failing testcase from verilog/user_guide, VCS simulator exits with proper exit status, but vunit infrastructure is marking it as pass – Any suggestions?

python -v "lib.tb_example.Test that a failing test case actually fails" … EXIT STATUS= 2 Raising NonZeroExitCode= 2 Command Failed test starts = ['Test that a failing test case actually fails'] test_suite_done = True done = True test_name= Test that a failing test case actually fails result= TestStatus('passed') results= {'Test that a failing test case actually fails': TestStatus('passed')} results file = /global/gtsnaw_rwest4/bhutada/vunit-master/examples/verilog/user_guide/vunit_out/test_output/lib.tb_example.Test_that_a_failing_test_case_actually_fails_e0b95858e14bbfb897b8d111a43505ca7f742d28/vunit_results {'Test that a failing test case actually fails': TestStatus('passed')} sim_ok = False {'Test that a failing test case actually fails': TestStatus('passed')} False