VUnit / vunit

VUnit is a unit testing framework for VHDL/SystemVerilog
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Majority of VC tests fail in activeHDL 11.1 #650

Open GlenNicholls opened 4 years ago

GlenNicholls commented 4 years ago

I am having problems using the AXI VCs in activeHDL 11.1 where I see the the simulator times out from the VUnit watchdog. In ModelSim and GHDL, I do not see the same problem with the AXI VCs. Unfortunately, I have been unable to get an MWE that reproduces this bug to report to Aldec. I ran the VC tests for VUnit, and a majority fail with a bound check failure in integer_vector_ptr_pkg-body-2002p.vhd. Not too sure what to make of it.

VHDL/Verilog/EDIF/SystemC Simulator build

(c) 1997-2020 Aldec, Inc. All rights reserved.

License Number 0

VSIMSA: Configuration files: `C:\Users\Glen.Nicholls\Desktop\vunit\vunit\vhdl\verification_components\vunit_out\activehdl\library.cfg', `C:\Users\Glen.Nicholls\Desktop\vunit\vunit\vhdl\verification_components\vunit_out\activehdl\vsimsa.cfg'
 Welcome to VSIMSA!
 This message was printed from `' macro file.

log "C:\Users\Glen.Nicholls\Desktop\vunit\vunit\vhdl\verification_components\vunit_out\test_output\vunit_lib.tb_wishbone_slavefe04f67a4213a873b46be6534e68a911cd79f237\activehdl\transcript"
log -assert "C:\Users\Glen.Nicholls\Desktop\vunit\vunit\vhdl\verification_components\vunit_out\test_output\vunit_lib.tb_wishbone_slavefe04f67a4213a873b46be6534e68a911cd79f237\activehdl\transcript"
source "C:/Users/Glen.Nicholls/Desktop/vunit/vunit/vhdl/verification_components/vunit_out/test_output/vunit_lib.tb_wishbone_slavefe04f67a4213a873b46be6534e68a911cd79f237/activehdl/common.tcl"
ELBREAD: Elaboration process.
ELBREAD: Elaboration time 0.4 [s].
KERNEL: Main thread initiated.
KERNEL: Kernel process initialization phase.
ELAB2: Elaboration final pass...
KERNEL: PLI/VHPI kernel's engine initialization done.
PLI: Loading library 'C:\Aldec\Active-HDL-11.1\bin\systf.dll'
VHPI: Loading library 'systf.dll'
ELAB2: Create instances ...
KERNEL: Time resolution set to 1ps.
ELAB2: Create instances complete.
SLP: Started
SLP: Elaboration phase ...
SLP: Elaboration phase ... skipped, nothing to simulate in SLP mode : 0.0 [s]
SLP: Finished : 0.0 [s]
ELAB2: Elaboration final pass complete - time: 0.2 [s].
KERNEL: Kernel process initialization done.
Allocation: Simulator allocated 11152 kB (elbread=1280 elab2=7393 kernel=2477 sdf=0)
KERNEL: ASDB file was created in location C:\Users\Glen.Nicholls\Desktop\vunit\vunit\vhdl\verification_components\vunit_out\activehdl\wave.asdb
set failed [vunit_load]
if {$failed} {quit -code 1}
RUNTIME: Fatal Error: RUNTIME_0047 integer_vector_ptr_pkg-body-2002p.vhd (209): Index 255 out of range (0 to 15).
KERNEL: Time: 0 ps,  Iteration: 1,  Instance: /tb_wishbone_slave,  Process: main_stim.
KERNEL: Stopped at time 0 ps + 1.
VSIM: Error: Fatal error occurred during simulation.
C:/Users/Glen.Nicholls/Desktop/vunit/vunit/vhdl/verification_components/vunit_out/test_output/vunit_lib.tb_wishbone_slavefe04f67a4213a873b46be6534e68a911cd79f237/activehdl/batch.tcl(4) Script: Break at line 4.
VSIM: Simulation has finished.

My tests do not produce this error, but at least this is a start to tracking down what the problem is. If you need, I can also zip up the vunit_out or vunit_out/test_output directories.

Im suspicious that this bug is Aldec's problem, but I'm not sure. I've done some digging, but haven't yet come to any conclusions.

umarcor commented 4 years ago

The line it is complaining about ( is the one used for every set of the internal integer vectors, which are used all over VUnit. I would expect such a fundamental issue to arise in the regular test suite...

Can you print ref, index and value? I'd like to understand if any of the following situations is happening:

GlenNicholls commented 4 years ago

@umarcor output.txt

I also am seeing that this is not the only failure produced by activeHDL, there are others that don't look related... One step at a time though

I would expect such a fundamental issue to arise in the regular test suite...

I would too, but I'm suspicious that this is an Aldec problem and not a VUnit problem. those tests all pass with the GHDL 0.37 :/

I'm running with the newest version of ModelSim I have to see what it yields

umarcor commented 4 years ago

@GlenNicholls, thanks! It seems that somewhere set(ptr, 255, 1) is being executed, but ptr was allocated with size 16. In this case, the id of ptr is 128. By searching ref=28 in the log:

The point is to locate where is that call produced. It can be some explicit call in your code, or some incorrect internal call.

You might confirm that ref=128 is allocated with size 16 by printing length right before That will hopefully provide some hint to find the caller.

GlenNicholls commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the delay, I have not had time to really dig into this to help with debugging since it is ultimately ActiveHDL's bug. However, I opened a support request and they have looked into the issue and discovered the problem. They are stating that in ActiveHDL 12.0, this problem(s) will be fixed.