VUnit / vunit

VUnit is a unit testing framework for VHDL/SystemVerilog
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How to simulate with netlists? #671

Open GlenNicholls opened 4 years ago

GlenNicholls commented 4 years ago

I have a repository with cores generated in ISE 14.7. Unfortunately, the stub files are not present so I'm unable to use XilinxCoreLib and I have to use the .edn netlists. ActiveHDL (and ModelSim I think?) supports this file type, but VUnit complains about the .edn extension:

Error: D:\linux_driver-trunk\Xilinx\DMA_CONTROL\src\asyncfifo32x4095v2pbr.edn(1): near "(": syntax error

I'm looking through the repo and I see add_external_library(), but this doesn't seem right since I need to add the .edn netlist to a specific library where said library also has .vhd source files. How do I go about running my VUnit tests when there are netlist files that are required to run the simulation?

GlenNicholls commented 4 years ago

I see that only Verilog and VHDL sources can be added based on the allowed extensions. Why aren't .edn or other netlist formats supported?

GlenNicholls commented 4 years ago

I got this from @qarlosalberto

ahh I think that Vunit doesn't support .edn files I have seen this post: maybe you can try with write_vhdl /path/to/file.vhd it will generate a vhdl file

Still doesn't solve my problem, though. If the simulator supports .edn and other formats, would adding a new supported file-type fix my problem?

eine commented 4 years ago

@GlenNicholls, the proposal would be for add_external_library to detect/copy/move any *.edn file along with *.vhd or *.vhdl? I am not sure about the details of add_external_library, but I think it would work.

The issue with adding netlists through regular add functions is that, depending on the simulator, each of those files might be analyzed explicitly, which would crash. If all the sources are provided at the same time, that's not an issue. However, VUnit does detect the dependencies and it supports incremental compilation. Hence, netlists should be handled as special sources attached to some parent VHDL source, and passed for analysis/elaboration only when that source needs it.

GlenNicholls commented 3 years ago

the proposal would be for add_external_library to detect/copy/move any .edn file along with .vhd or *.vhdl?

I believe so, but I have not experimented to see if using add_external_library would work to add a netlist to a specific library before adding the parent VHDL source via normal add. If I replicate and create something like NETLIST_EXTENSIONS = (".edn", ".ngc"...), does that seem reasonable?

eine commented 3 years ago

It does! We cannot test it in CI, tho, because GHDL does not support netlists AFAIAA. Anyway, open a PR when you try it, and we'll test it locally.