VVV101 / AlchemistNPC

15 stars 26 forks source link

"Reported from in-game: mouse hovers over the shop so i can't change the shops leaving me stuck" - submitted via. helper utility #50

Open hamstar0 opened 3 years ago

hamstar0 commented 3 years ago

tModLoader version:

Mods: - -
AlchemistNPC 9.3 The Amulet Of Many Minions 0.8.0 \[i/p57\:520\] \[c/fec2ff\:Awakening Minerals\] \[i/p57\:520\] 0.9
Cheat Sheet Consolaria Fargo's Crafting Tree Generator 0.1
\[i/p57\:521\] \[c/FF00FF\:Absolution Mod\] \[i/p57\:520\] Fargo's Mutant Mod 2.2.7 Fargo's Music Mod 1.0
Fargo's Souls Mod 1.3.95 Fargo's Soul Mod DLC 0.2.2 Full Health Respawn 0.0.1
Mod Helpers 5.11.0 Max Stack Plus Extra \[c/3ABC7A\:MrPlague's Authentic Races\] 1.13.2
No More Tombs 1.1.1 OmniSwing 3.0.1 Shorter Respawn Time 1.0
Smart Doors (from 1\.4) 1.3.3 Spirit Mod Fargo's Fallen Stars 1.1
Ultranium 1.2.2 VeinMiner 1.3.1 WeaponOut 1.6.4
Which Mod Is This From? (WMITF) 2.6.2 - -
Name Male Has Demon Heart Difficulty mode Life Mana Defense
gobbie True False 0 330 of 330 (400) 220 of 220 (200) 14

Player gobbie's (0) equipment:

Head Body Legs Accessory 1 Accessory 2 Accessory 3 Accessory 4 Accessory 5
Bismite Helmet Bismite Chestplate Bismite Leggings Menacing Hermes Boots Sandstorm in a Bottle Ancient Nature Relic Lucky Shark Tooth Necklace Cleft Horn

Is day: True, Time of day/night: 31810, Elapsed half days: 29

World name: gobbie's world, world size: Large

World progress: Eye of Cthulhu killed

Items on ground: 24, Npcs active: 16

Player count: 1 (single-player)

Autopause: False

Autosave: True

Lighting mode: 0

Lighting threads: 0

Frame skip mode: 1

Is screen maximized: False

Screen resolution: 1600 900

Quality style: 3

Background on: True

Child safety: False

Game zoom: 1

UI zoom: 1

FrameworkVersion.Framework: NetFramework

FrameworkVersion.Version: 4.8

Recent error logs:

at AlchemistNPC.AlchemistNPC.UpdateUI(GameTime gameTime) in AlchemistNPC.cs:line 1505
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModHooks.UpdateUI(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
[17:23:56] [1/ERROR] [Terraria]: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at EssenceOfOptima.NPCs.OptimaGlobalNPC.SetupShop(Int32 type, Chest shop, Int32& nextSlot) in EssenceOfOptima\NPCs\OptimaGlobalNpc.cs:line 109
at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.SetupShop(Int32 type, Chest shop, Int32& nextSlot)
at Terraria.Chest.SetupShop(Int32 type)
at AlchemistNPC.Interface.ShopChangeUI.PlayButtonClicked5(UIMouseEvent evt, UIElement listeningElement) in AlchemistNPC\Interface\ShopChangeUI.cs:line 222
at Terraria.UI.UIElement.Click(UIMouseEvent evt)
at Terraria.UI.UserInterface.Update(GameTime time)
at AlchemistNPC.AlchemistNPC.UpdateUI(GameTime gameTime) in AlchemistNPC.cs:line 1505
at Terraria.ModLoader.ModHooks.UpdateUI(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)

shop stuck