VZiChoushaDui / Libertea

Easily install and manage a multi-protocol VPN server; with user management, auto fallback and auto update.
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how to use warp #69

Open NimaTarlani opened 8 months ago

NimaTarlani commented 8 months ago

hi. I want to use Warp. I configured Warp with Wireguard and

   "tag": "warp",
   "protocol": "freedom",
   "streamSettings": {
     "sockopt": {
       "tcpFastOpen": true,
       "interface": "warp"

I added this to /root/libertea/providers/vless-ws/config.json, but the connection does not go through Warp. Did I go wrong somewhere, or is it still not possible to use Warp? I would be grateful if someone could help me

And that Iran's IP traffic is not directed. How to block the site and IPs of Iran or other countries

VZiChoushaDui commented 8 months ago

If you modify xray-core configuration files, you should run the following command afterwards to reinitialize Libertea in development mode (and build docker images for you).

cd /root/libertea
export ENVIRONMENT="dev"
./init.sh update

After this, your new xray-core configuration will take effect. Make sure to update config of all providers that you use.

If you succeeded in integrating warp, please update this issue so we can add it as a setting in the future updates of Libertea!

NimaTarlani commented 8 months ago

Should I edit all the config.json files together and add warp? What about config.json.sapmle? Should I edit this too?

VZiChoushaDui commented 8 months ago

You need to edit all config.json.sample files. The config.json files will be overwritten by init.sh script after you run it.

NimaTarlani commented 8 months ago

The panel does not start. Warp didn't work either.

ERROR: Timeout while waiting for panel to start.
       Please open an issue on https://github.com/VZiChoushaDui/Libertea/issues/new
       and include the following information:

       - component name: libertea-panel
       - OS: "Ubuntu"
       - OS version: "22.04"
       - Docker version: Docker version 25.0.1, build 29cf629
       - Panel listening: False
       - Panel root status code: 000
       - Panel admin status code: 000
       Also include the output of the following command:
           tail -n 100 /tmp/libertea-panel.log 
VZiChoushaDui commented 8 months ago

Post the panel logs by running the command:

tail -n 100 /tmp/libertea-panel.log
NimaTarlani commented 7 months ago

I used this code and all the traffic of my server is bypassed by Warp:

bash <(wget -qO- https://gitlab.com/rwkgyg/CFwarp/raw/main/CFwarp.sh 2> /dev/null)

VZiChoushaDui commented 7 months ago

@NimaTarlani You mean it worked or it didn't work?

NimaTarlani commented 7 months ago

yes it worked Of course, it worked better with wgcf, which was the second option. But you can also try warp-go, which is the first option. But it didn't work well for me. (It was just my opinion that you should use wgcf. I suggest you take a backup first and then try both options).