VacFind / GeoCompare

A tool designed to help the creators of vaccine finder tools easily manipulate, combine, and move data to allow everyone to have better access to data about vaccination sites during the pandemic
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create an efficient coordinate-comparison module #12

Open MoralCode opened 3 years ago

MoralCode commented 3 years ago

GeoCompare needs a way to be able to sort through two potentially-large datasets and match up their items based on the coordinates. This module should not need to know the specifics of the structure of each item as that should be handled by the parsing classes (see #9),

Here are some ideas for ways this could be done:

This module will need to be able to take two data sources (in the form of Source objects as defined by models/ and use the specified parser for each source to:

  1. match the records between the sources by coordinate proximity
  2. return the following lists of associations (#17) between entries
    • entries present in the "source" database and not present in "target"
    • entries present in both "target" and "source" where all fields common to both are an exact match
    • entries present in both "target" and "source" where there are differences between at least one field
    • entries present in "target" but not present in "source"