VadimDez / ngx-order-pipe

▼ Angular 5+ orderBy pipe
MIT License
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Error ordering by null date propertie #107

Closed tamara-mendes closed 3 years ago

tamara-mendes commented 3 years ago

If the property is Date and it is null, it throws the following error:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'getTime' of null at defaultCompare (vendor.js:83048) at vendor.js:83155 at Array.sort () at OrderPipe.sortArray (vendor.js:83149) at OrderPipe.transform (vendor.js:83118) at Module.ɵɵpipeBind3 (vendor.js:38694) at ConcertCardfeedIoComponent_Template (main.js:521) at executeTemplate (vendor.js:21690) at refreshView (vendor.js:21559) at refreshComponent (vendor.js:22697)