VadimDez / ngx-order-pipe

▼ Angular 5+ orderBy pipe
MIT License
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i have this error : ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: The pipe 'async' could not be found! #109

Closed chanez2020amk closed 3 years ago

chanez2020amk commented 3 years ago

i work with angular9 and real time firebase

i don't know where is the problem i tried a lot of things but why dont work

if someone can help me

this is my templet html

` <tr *ngFor="let command of commande$ | async">

                            <td>  {{command.payload.val().dateCommande}} </td>

the service file

getcommandesList() { return this.db.list(this.dbPath).snapshotChanges(); }

the typeScripte file i inserte this instruction in the constroctor


VadimDez commented 3 years ago

It seems to me that this has nothing to do with the ngx-order-pipe library