Vadims06 / topolograph-docker

This is dockerized version of topolograph
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Ability to change API port #5

Closed alchemyx closed 1 year ago

alchemyx commented 1 year ago

By default it's using port 5000 which seems standard for development, but Apple decided to use that port for Control Center. I wonder if it could be configurable in .env similarly as it's configured for web. Patch proposed.

Vadims06 commented 1 year ago

@alchemyx Thank you for your pull request! I'm not sure that I completely understood why do we want to introduce separate field for API, if API is behind nginx container, so if we set 8080 for TOPOLOGRAPH_PORT API is available on such port.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS         PORTS                            NAMES
dc2589db9acd   nginx:latest                  "/docker-entrypoint.…"   3 seconds ago   Up 2 seconds   80/tcp,>8079/tcp   webserver
ca5e5867b730   vadims06/topolograph:latest   "gunicorn -w 4 --bin…"   4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds   5000/tcp                         flask
79e1b200a504   mongo:4.0.8                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   4 seconds ago   Up 3 seconds   27017/tcp                        mongodb
alchemyx commented 1 year ago

Alright! I misunderstood that, though that API would work only on port 5000 while in fact it works on web port too. Thank you and apologies for confusion.