Vahor / dtools

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Protocol file not found #5

Closed Herklos closed 5 months ago

Herklos commented 5 months ago


I'm really interested by your project. I also really like the technologies you try to experiment.

I had an issue when launching your project the first time :

Protocol file not found at ~/.local/share/fr.vahor.dtools/dofus/datafus/events.json panic.file="src/sniffer/protocol/" panic.column=5

Do you have an idea on how to fix it?

Thanks and have a great day!

Vahor commented 5 months ago

Hello ! I did not expect anyone to actually use the app so there might be bugs 😄 The issue was that the protocol was loaded before being downloaded. On my machine it worked as everything was already donwloaded.

This should be fixed with #6

Herklos commented 5 months ago

Thanks @Vahor, it fixed the issue :smile: