ValYouW / flutter-opencv-stream-processing

Running OpenCV C++ code inside a flutter app processing real-time camera frames
MIT License
77 stars 12 forks source link

Android Studio Iguana #6

Open IvRogoz opened 1 month ago

IvRogoz commented 1 month ago

Thank you for sharing.

Im trying to follow your tutorial on how to use opencv with Flutter but Im getting alot of issue if using never Android studio. if I open native_opencv/example/android I need to add flutter.sdk=C\:\flutter to and there a lot of warnings and some java errors in the building but at the end I get build successful. On the right side in file view I can see only app, no native_opencv. In project view I see only app folder, no plugin folder.

Hope you could help

ValYouW commented 4 weeks ago

Try to follow the YouTube video where you can see all the steps. In terms of prerequisites you should have the Dart and Flutter plugins for Android Studio installed, other than this I dont remember anything special...