ValdikSS / GoodbyeDPI

GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
Apache License 2.0
10.59k stars 903 forks source link

After running the program once, gradle and curl cannot connect to certain https websites #344

Closed antihack3r closed 3 months ago

antihack3r commented 3 months ago

Operating system / операционная система

Windows 10 21H2

Running as service / Запуск программы как сервис

I run it as a regular program / Запускаю программу обычным образом

Describe the bug / Опишите ошибку программы

After running 1_russia_blacklist_dnsredir.cmd once, certain programs cannot read certain websites. As of now, I found only three websites that curl has trouble connecting to (hangs with no output):, and Opening them in any browser works fine. I also noticed that it reads fine without https://. I tried many things to make it work again, including flushing the dns cache and trying to connect with goodbyedpi running, nothing worked.

Additional information / Дополнительная информация

I'm pretty sure this is a GoodbyeDPI problem, because I didn't install any software except this.

ValdikSS commented 3 months ago

If the program is not running, it's not effective. The websites mentioned are not reachable due to the block in Russia.

antihack3r commented 3 months ago

I'm pretty sure these websites worked fine before running the program. and are Maven repositories, I had been using them for a long time now. Adding them into the blacklist didn't help either.

ValdikSS commented 3 months ago

All these domains are Cloudflare-fronted.

antihack3r commented 3 months ago

I know.

antihack3r commented 3 months ago

This doesn't make any sense: it worked before, now these websites only open in browsers which don't have any bypassing extensions installed, and running GoodbyeDPI any-country doesn't work either.

antihack3r commented 3 months ago

fixed it, ran Disable-TlsCipherSuite -Name TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 in an admin powershell