ValdikSS / GoodbyeDPI

GoodbyeDPI — Deep Packet Inspection circumvention utility (for Windows)
Apache License 2.0
23.26k stars 1.69k forks source link

To-do List #42

Open ValdikSS opened 6 years ago

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago



miaomiaosoft commented 6 years ago

Hello there! I live in China, The internet censorship and blockade here are equally serious, Some people say that Russia introduced the notorious firewall technology from China, But luckily I found GoodbyeDPI, It applies to my network, Can break through most of the blockade, Although there are several sites will be abnormal, But this is very good! At the same time I am looking forward to the white list function.

Thank you very much, great job!

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

@miaomiaosoft Glad to hear that, but please don't post information off the ticket topic.

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Make Host value randomly MixedCase Implemented in commit c7905f0b317c48ce8b0feb7601461abd24966b42

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Make SNI value randomly MixedCase SNI can't be modified without TLS termination as it got verified in TLS handshake.

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Option to add additional ports for Window Size modification Implemented in commit 61e39bc095f02be6daf279e57f3038a3c17e9cc1 & 9b9be302cbe22ef647fa567c4cbe191be9991cbe

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

DNS redirection Implemented in commit a182f52207959b9bbf5ed5a1afa4d1b3a2adfc2b (experimental)

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Tray icon Tray icon is implemented (not yet commited)

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Blacklist Implemented in commit bfed8638e58401fd725c6274e9bf65672c4f34ec

hooddy commented 6 years ago

I'm vote for Windows Service.

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

New DPI TCP connection cloak technique HTTP Persistent (keep-alive) fragmentation. Implemented in commit 582503452f1276d608f2ece128f128d8b7e2d53c

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Windows Service support Implemented in commit 23babdc8facff4cc9528bcace843e79615d2676f

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

IPv6 support Preliminary IPv6 support has been added into ipv6 branch, not yet merged.

sgeto commented 6 years ago

Any update on the tray icon feature?

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

@sgeto It's probably won't be commited. I decided to make proper GUI.

sgeto commented 6 years ago

That's great. It would be nice though if the GUI could be minimized to the system tray.

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

Full IPv6 support is commited to ipv6 branch, merged with master branch.

KOLANICH commented 6 years ago

Do we really need DNS redirection in GDPI? Why not just use dnscrypt (it has a chicken & egg problem: if it cannot resolve names of dns servers it stops working, this definitely needs to be fixed, but I guess for this use case it doesn't make much trouble) for that?

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

@KOLANICH, redirecting UDP DNS queries is easy to implement with WinDivert. Dnscrypt is another third-party software and protocol.

KOLANICH commented 6 years ago

@ValdikSS I know. But since encrypted and authenticated communications are better than unencrypted or authenticated I guess this is unneeded. I have encountered a network where all DNS queries, no matter if they targeted to ISP's or other DNS server, were answered by ISP's one. DNSCrypt have solved this problem.

ValdikSS commented 6 years ago

@KOLANICH, I know about this issue, that's why cmd file contains Yandex DNS on unusual 1253 port by default. It's less likely this port will be redirected to ISP's DNS server.

mguludag commented 5 years ago

@ValdikSS i forked GUI for GoodByeDPI then i added scheduling feature and merged with dnscrypt-proxy in one UI

rawaludin commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this! I really hope the mac version could be released, I can't do C though so can't help much :(

Am1nCmd commented 5 years ago

hey dude, is there any update goodbyeDPI for macOS?

ExaltedReaper commented 1 month ago

Бро, я недоволен твоим восприятием проблем людей в специальном для этого разделе. Я сделал пост с комплексной проблемой, которой нет в твоем FAQ и объяснил в комментариях человеку, почему мой вопрос под этот "ответ из FAQ" не подпадает, а ты кинул меня с моей проблемой в общую кучу закрыв обсуждение с комментарием: "Ответ в FAQ"... Некрасиво как-то. Ты давай развернутый ответ при закрытии темы, чтобы люди понимали что к чему, потыкай носом в цитататы из "твоего FAQ" и объясни, почему именно "это" является ответом на мой вопрос. Потому что если для тебя что-то очевидно, то для людей несведущих в теме все совсем не очевидно. Я читал, и считаю что нет ответа на мою проблему в "твоем FAQ". В игре античит? Ок, ладно, хуй с этим. Но там так то в обсуждении еще проблема есть. И я недоволен твоей работой, потому что я для себя никаких ответов, при обращении за помощью, не нашел. P.S. И если вдруг пишу типа "не по теме". То как раз таки по теме. Хочу улучшить твою работу с комьюнити. Считай дополнительный таск.)