ValentinBELYN / icmplib

Easily forge ICMP packets and make your own ping and traceroute.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Error on ipv6 #48

Closed limlynn closed 2 years ago

limlynn commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for your effort on icmplib. I want to send traceroute with ipv6.

I tried with : hops = traceroute('2620:100:6040:18::a27d:f812', timeout=1, fast=True, family=6)

But I got the error:

temp18@temp18-Predator-PH315-52:~/ECN_project/icmplib/examples$ sudo python3 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 20, in <module> hops = traceroute('2620:100:6040:18::a27d:f812', timeout=1, fast=True, family=6) File "/home/temp18/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/icmplib/", line 178, in traceroute **kwargs) TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'family'

Cloud you please help on this? Thank you.

ValentinBELYN commented 2 years ago

Hi @limlynn 👋

From what I see, you are using Python 3.6. The latest version of icmplib compatible with this version of Python is 2.1.1. The family parameter of the traceroute function was introduced in version 3.0 of icmplib. So you can't currently use it.

However, for what you want to do, this parameter is not necessary. Indeed, this one is useful only if you pass to the function an FQDN (ex: and you want to make sure that the DNS lookup returns either an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address.

Since you are directly specifying an IPv6 address, you can directly call the following function and get the expected result:

hops = traceroute('2620:100:6040:18::a27d:f812', timeout=1, fast=True)

Please let me know if it works! 😉

limlynn commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much I will try and let you know!

limlynn commented 2 years ago

It works well!! Thank you But I cannot set up "traffic_class" for IPv6 packet. Could you please give a little advise on the setting up traffice class(tos field in IPv4) in IPv6?

ValentinBELYN commented 2 years ago

Thank you for this feedback! What do you mean by "I cannot set up "traffic_class" for IPv6 packet"?

To set the traffic class field of your ICMP packets, you have a parameter to do this since the version 1.2 of icmplib:

# Ping
ping('2001:4860:4860::8888', traffic_class=184) # 184 = voice

# Multiping
multiping('2001:4860:4860::8888', traffic_class=184) # 184 = voice

# Traceroute
traceroute('2001:4860:4860::8888', traffic_class=184) # 184 = voice

You will find all the possible values here (field ToS of the table): These functions work the same way whether you use IPv4 or IPv6 addresses.