Valeruu / prj-rev-bwfs-dasmoto

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Summary: Meets expectations #4

Open zannain opened 6 years ago

zannain commented 6 years ago

Excellent work on this mockup! Props for running it through the W3C Validator. This is an excellent practice and ensures your page is meeting the latest HTML5 specification and also optimizes the webpage for accessibility and it's more likely to be found by search engine algorithms. Going forward I've listed a few resources below to build on your HTML and CSS foundation with responsive design. This is a critical requirement in every application you will design because the web is being viewed from all sorts of devices ranging from mobiles to 35-inch ultrawide monitors and so you want your webpage to render properly regardless of the viewport the end user is viewing it from. Keep it up Valerie!

Resources Responsive Design CSS Grid Course Flexbox course CSS Grids CSSGridGarden game FlexboxFroggy

Valeruu commented 6 years ago

Thanks very much for all the links. I have them saved for future reference. I went through the garden game and flexbox froggy. I am aware of responsive design from a challenge I did where they taught us a little about that. I'm looking forward to learning more about it.

Thanks for all your feedback.