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No virtual controller when hc starts with windows #1117

Open ghostekpl opened 3 weeks ago

ghostekpl commented 3 weeks ago

Device manufacturer

Device model Stemdeck OLED (Galileo)

Handheld Companion Version

Describe the bug No virutal controller when HC starts along with windows. Virtual controller is also not detected by games. When I kill the HC process and start it manually the virtual controller appears and is detected by games.

Logs file HandheldCompanion-20240821.log

CasperH2O commented 3 weeks ago

Thansk for reporting in @ghostekpl .

This doesn't look good:

2024-08-21 14:14:37.981 +02:00 [FTL] Object reference not set to an instance of an object.     at HandheldCompanion.Devices.SteamDeck.Close() in D:\a\HandheldCompanion\HandheldCompanion\HandheldCompanion\Devices\Valve\SteamDeck.cs:line 154
   at HandheldCompanion.Views.MainWindow.OnSystemStatusChanged(SystemStatus status, SystemStatus prevStatus) in D:\a\HandheldCompanion\HandheldCompanion\HandheldCompanion\Views\Windows\MainWindow.xaml.cs:line 600
   at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<ThrowAsync>b__128_0(Object state)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
   at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

I also see you don't have audio drivers?

2024-08-21 14:14:34.914 +02:00 [ERR] No AudioEndpoint available

ghostekpl commented 3 weeks ago

I have the drivers installed but the oled only works with external devices or with a connected jack. When trying to reproduce this bug I did not have any audio device plugged in and I also did not have headphones plugged in

AlIbay8 commented 2 weeks ago

I'm also experiencing this same issue on my GPD Win Mini 7840u (2023). I'm using Handheld Companion version I would share my logs but I can't seem to find the logs anywhere (neither in installation folder nor Program Data).

CasperH2O commented 2 weeks ago

Logs and settings have been moved to My documents/handheld companion/logs

AlIbay8 commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks, I reproduced the bug and found the log file: HandheldCompanion-20240824.log

I also tried using the GPD hardware switch to swap between mouse/keyboard and gamepad controls. When I reconnect the controller by switching it to gamepad mode, Handheld Companion recognizes and connects it as a physical controller but doesn't create the emulated controller.