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Windows fonts are effected after HC installation #693

Closed CasperH2O closed 1 year ago

CasperH2O commented 1 year ago

Installing HC ( effects users font in the rest of Windows.


It seems to be font Segoe Fluent Icons.ttf

Removing it makes it worse, installing a fresh font does not resolve it. Inno installer should only install it if it does not already exist. The reason it was added to the installer is because W10 doesn't have this font by default.

Current idea is to update Inno installer to only install if W10 is detected.

TRD0118 commented 1 year ago

I also had / have this issue, I was able to mostly resolve it by replacing all the fonts with ones from my desktop PC. I say mostly since the task manager icons for efficient and suspended apps (the green leaf and yellow pause ones) are still corrupted into the coloured versions of those rectangles :/ This is on an ROG Ally btw

frickingphil commented 1 year ago

Hi, I was also affected by this bug. I was able to fix it after uninstalling HC by restoring my System Restore point I had made before installing HC.

I'd run into this issue before and ended up doing an in-place Windows reinstall to fix it originally, which is why I made a restore point just in case this time around...and I'm glad to see that the restore point idea worked.

EDIT: Device - ROG Ally

rosdan13 commented 1 year ago

Found a fix! In registry search for "segoe fluent icons", and change the value (data) from "segoe fluent icons.ttf" to "SegoeIcons.ttf" and reboot.

Valkirie commented 1 year ago

Found a fix! In registry search for "segoe fluent icons", and change the value (data) from "segoe fluent icons.ttf" to "SegoeIcons.ttf"

Thanks for sharing. Let us replicate and try to avoid the issue from arising in the first place.

frickingphil commented 1 year ago

Found a fix! In registry search for "segoe fluent icons", and change the value (data) from "segoe fluent icons.ttf" to "SegoeIcons.ttf" and reboot.

Can confirm, just reinstalled and performed the fix and it worked just fine. Nice.

Valkirie commented 1 year ago

Attached is a fix from @ExCP. Unzip the archive and double click on the file. Restart.