ValkyrienSkies / Eureka

Basically Archimedes Ships, but with VS2 as the backend
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 31 forks source link

Disassembling to the right of original orientation makes blocks like stairs and fences rotate (and how to fix the ship in such event) #193

Closed Ramelstag closed 3 months ago

Ramelstag commented 1 year ago

I've been testing this for a while now, and I'm very confident I have found out what causes this bug. If you assemble your vessel, when it's pointing, for example, NORTH, and then at some point disassemble pointing EAST (90° to the right/clockwise) causes stairs, trapdoors, fences, doors, chests, beds and many other blocks with orientations to rotate and ruin your vessel. And, fortunately, re-assembling and then disassembling to the next right-most direction (NORTH again in that example, because the helm will also rotate), the ship will fix itself. Disassembling to any other direction except the one 90° to the right of the original position is fine. I even made a full 360° rotation, disassembling and assembling every 90°, but, going to the left, and it didn't bug out. The opposite causes it to bug out, and then fix itself on the next disassembly, repeatedly. At first I thought corner stairs were causing it, so I designed my airship without these, but it still happened. Good thing I had a schematic. I hope this post helps someone else out there.

millennIumAMbiguity commented 3 months ago

Duplicate of #185