ValkyrienSkies / Eureka

Basically Archimedes Ships, but with VS2 as the backend
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 32 forks source link

Turning after alignment fails, until I align again #243

Open PumaBlack opened 11 months ago

PumaBlack commented 11 months ago

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Issue description

If I build a ship (planks, ballons, helm), I can fly around. If I align the ship (sneak and click on the helm), the ship aligns propper, but I can't turn it anymore, when I am mounted again. It seems, the ship tries to realign, after any input from "a" or "d" key.

If I dismount, then sneak and right-click the helm, and then hit the align-button a second time, then all works fine If I remount again.

Issue reproduction

  1. Build a ship (planks, balloons, helm)
  2. Sneak and click the helm, to get the menu
  3. click "assemble" to assemble the ship
  4. press "esc" to leave the menu
  5. mount with right-click and fly around
  6. dismount
  7. Sneak and click the helm, to get the menu
  8. press "ALIGN" to align the ship
  9. wait until it has aligned propper
  10. press "esc" to leave the menu
  11. mount the ship and try to turn it.
  12. (turing the ship will fail, it tries to realign ever time you turn. Ascend, descend, forward and backward works fine.)
  13. dismount
  14. Sneak and click the helm, to get the menu
  15. hit "ALIGN" again
  16. press "esc" to leave the menu
  17. mount the ship and all works fine again.


No response

walksanatora commented 11 months ago

align is a toggle, this could be communicated to the user better but is not a bug

PumaBlack commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the Info! This makes totaly sense now.