ValkyrienSkies / Eureka

Basically Archimedes Ships, but with VS2 as the backend
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 32 forks source link

Disable Cruise if player is not on ship #274

Open AlexanderwithaA opened 7 months ago

AlexanderwithaA commented 7 months ago

If a player were to fall off their ship while cruise was enabled the ship would just fly away and be near impossible to get back, especially it it had engines on it. Could cruise be made to disable automatically when the player that enabled it leaves the ship?

SobiTheRobot commented 6 months ago

Isn't part of the point of cruise to let you walk about your ship while it's going?

AlexanderwithaA commented 6 months ago

This wouldn’t affect being able to walk around on your ship while in motion, it’d just stop your ship from flying away if you mess up