ValkyrienSkies / Eureka

Basically Archimedes Ships, but with VS2 as the backend
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 32 forks source link

anchor applies upwards force while powered #346

Closed AlexanderwithaA closed 1 month ago

AlexanderwithaA commented 2 months ago

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

Minecraft Version


Eureka version


Mod Loader


Issue description

The anchor applies upwards momentum to your ship when it's powered.

Issue reproduction

  1. make a ship with an anchor and helm on it
  2. power the anchor for a while
  3. unpower the anchor
  4. the ship should fly up


No response

millennIumAMbiguity commented 1 month ago

im unable to recreate this

AlexanderwithaA commented 1 month ago

Are you using exactly what I am using? Latest fabric loader btw