ValkyrienSkies / Eureka

Basically Archimedes Ships, but with VS2 as the backend
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 32 forks source link

Add configuration descriptions to the wiki #376

Open baldur132 opened 1 week ago

baldur132 commented 1 week ago

Love this mod, but the wiki is a bit sparse, to the point where I had to dive into the code (to EurekaConfig.kt) to find out what the configuration values actually mean.

Some client-side mods read the schema descriptions and present them to the user, but for someone like me trying to configure these things server-side, just having a list of variables is pretty terrible.

I recommend adding an entry into the wiki similar to the one for VS (here) to aid users who are not so keen on browsing through Kotlin files. I also spent an embarrassingly long time trying to find the actual config file in the first place, so it'd also be nice to have a section explaining where to find it (like in the VS Wiki).
