ValkyrienSkies / Eureka

Basically Archimedes Ships, but with VS2 as the backend
Apache License 2.0
54 stars 32 forks source link

When assembled in a winter-type biome, snow forms on top lf blocks when it rains #382

Open Luna-Nocturna opened 1 week ago

Luna-Nocturna commented 1 week ago

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

Minecraft Version


Eureka version


Mod Loader


Issue description

Not sure what else to add to the title as it pretty much explains what the issue is.

I can only assume when the ship is assembled it takes the properties of locale it's assembled taking it with it.

Issue reproduction

Assemble in a snow biome where rain turns into snow naturally. I've not tested the height.


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