ValkyrienSkies / Valkyrien-Skies-2

Valkyrien Skies 2
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
205 stars 77 forks source link

Ships cannot be teleported into other dimensions #829

Open armet06 opened 1 month ago

armet06 commented 1 month ago

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies and addons are installed and no other mods

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Issue description

When using the vs teleport command with execute, like this: /execute in minecraft:nether run vs teleport ship_name ~ ~ ~ the ship will be moved to the specified coordinates and have rotation, velocity, etc applied but remain in the overworld - the chat message specifying newDimension=null and newScale=null.

Issue reproduction

Simply play on 1.20.1 with the Valkyrien Skies beta and try using /execute to teleport a ship across dimensions.


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