ValkyrienSkies / Valkyrien-Skies-2

Valkyrien Skies 2
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
205 stars 77 forks source link

No boats anywhere with Eureka and VS2. VS2 error in console. #842

Closed Kiwicast closed 4 weeks ago

Kiwicast commented 1 month ago

Mod Name

Valkrien Skies

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies, addons, and the mod I have specified are installed and no other mods

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Issue description

I have tried adding just Valkyrien skies with Kotlin and get a console error. Then added Eureka, still got the VS error in console and no boats anywhere. Looked around for a while and nothing.

Issue reproduction

Install Valkyrien Skies and Kotlin into server - console error on start up. Install Eureka on server and install and error is still there start server and no boats


latest.log debug.log

Rubydesic commented 4 weeks ago

the error doesn't mean anything. please elaborate on what is actually wrong and create a new issue