ValkyrienSkies / Valkyrien-Skies-2

Valkyrien Skies 2
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
205 stars 77 forks source link

Valkyrian Skies and Complete Config Incompat #866

Open notdivad0 opened 2 weeks ago

notdivad0 commented 2 weeks ago

Mod Name

Complete Config

This issue occurs when only Valkyrien Skies, addons, and the mod I have specified are installed and no other mods

Minecraft Version


Mod Loader


Issue description

Having completeconfig installed alongside Valkyrien Skies causes game to not start

These are the noticeable mods I had installed

Weird part is that VS isn't mentioned anywhere in the traceback, I found that out by carefully removing mods one by one until I found that it was the cause

Issue reproduction

Install Fabric modloader with:

VS2 and its dependencies, Realistic Stamina (modrinth) and Complete Config

