ValvePython / csgo

🔫 Python package for interacting with CS:GO Game Coordinator
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request_live_game_for_user stopped working #39

Open Suppenbiatch opened 3 years ago

Suppenbiatch commented 3 years ago

Hey, for now three days request_live_game_for_user() is no longer returning any match data nor emitting a live_game_for_user event.

Not sure if it's connected but it stopped working after the newest csgo update on january the 7th, 2021... request_current_live_games() however is still working as expected and emitting current_live_games after it is done.

Sadly i am quite new to python so i can't go in to much more detail execpt for adding the verbose_debug log and the code i used.

client = SteamClient()
cs = CSGOClient(client)
cs.verbose_debug = True

steam_id = 76561197979035432

def start_csgo():
    print('Logged in to Steam')
    print('CS:GO game coordinator starting')

def gc_ready():
    print(f'{current_time()} - CS:GO game coordinator running')
    r = cs.wait_event('live_game_for_user', timeout=30, raises=False)
    print(f'{current_time()} - request_live_game_for_user returned "{r}"')
    if r is None:

client.cli_login(username=credentials.username, password=credentials.password)

the Output:

2021-01-10T17:55:50.348275 - CS:GO game coordinator running
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,348] DEBUG CSGOClient: Incoming: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ClientHello: 9110>
msg: 9110
headerLength: 0
account_id: 294389456
global_stats {
  players_online: 918109
  servers_online: 236997
  players_searching: 42984
  servers_available: 103482
  ongoing_matches: 39172
  search_time_avg: 145175
  search_statistics {
    game_type: 520
    players_searching: 15636
  search_statistics {
    game_type: 32776
    players_searching: 19969
  main_post_url: ""
  required_appid_version: 13776
  pricesheet_version: 1609999596
  twitch_streams_version: 2
  active_tournament_eventid: 16
  active_survey_id: 0
vac_banned: 0
commendation {
  cmd_friendly: 3
  cmd_teaching: 3
  cmd_leader: 7
player_level: 25
player_cur_xp: 327682533

[2021-01-10 17:55:50,348] DEBUG CSGOClient: Emit event: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchmakingGC2ClientHello: 9110>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,348] DEBUG CSGOClient: Outgoing: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_MatchListRequestLiveGameForUser: 9154>
-- header ---------
msg: 9154
headerLength: 0
-- message --------
accountid: 18769704

[2021-01-10 17:55:50,348] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientToGC: 5452> | CMsgGCClient)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,348] DEBUG CSGOClient: Emit event: 'matchmaking_stats'
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,382] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (341 -> 433)
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientFromGC: 5453> | CMsgGCClient)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientFromGC: 5453>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientFromGC: 5453> | CMsgGCClient)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,383] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientFromGC: 5453>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,384] DEBUG CSGOClient: Incoming: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_GC2ClientGlobalStats: 9173>
msg: 9173
headerLength: 0
search_statistics {
  game_type: 520
  search_time_avg: 333985
rtime32_cur: 1610297750

[2021-01-10 17:55:50,384] DEBUG CSGOClient: Emit event: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_GC2ClientGlobalStats: 9173>
[2021-01-10 17:55:50,384] DEBUG CSGOClient: Incoming: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientGCRankUpdate: 9194>
msg: 9194
headerLength: 0
rankings {
  account_id: 294389456
  rank_id: 0
  wins: 347
  rank_type_id: 6

[2021-01-10 17:55:50,384] DEBUG CSGOClient: Emit event: <ECsgoGCMsg.EMsgGCCStrike15_v2_ClientGCRankUpdate: 9194>
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (243 -> 325)
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientIsLimitedAccount: 5430> | not parsed)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientIsLimitedAccount: 5430>
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <Msg(<EMsg.ClientMarketingMessageUpdate2: 5510> | not parsed)>
[2021-01-10 17:55:52,281] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientMarketingMessageUpdate2: 5510>
[2021-01-10 17:55:53,843] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientHeartBeat: 703> | CMsgClientHeartBeat)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:02,855] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientHeartBeat: 703> | CMsgClientHeartBeat)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:08,180] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:08,180] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[2021-01-10 17:56:08,180] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[2021-01-10 17:56:08,180] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (536 -> 735)
[2021-01-10 17:56:08,180] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:08,180] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[2021-01-10 17:56:11,865] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientHeartBeat: 703> | CMsgClientHeartBeat)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:18,181] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.Multi: 1> | CMsgMulti)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:18,181] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.Multi: 1>
[2021-01-10 17:56:18,181] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Unpacking
[2021-01-10 17:56:18,181] DEBUG SteamClient: Multi: Decompressing payload (537 -> 735)
[2021-01-10 17:56:18,182] DEBUG SteamClient: Incoming: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766> | CMsgClientPersonaState)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:18,182] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: <EMsg.ClientPersonaState: 766>
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,349] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientGamesPlayed: 742> | CMsgClientGamesPlayed)>
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,349] DEBUG CSGOClient: Emit event: 'connection_status'
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,349] DEBUG CSGOClient: Emit event: 'notready'
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,349] DEBUG SteamClient: Outgoing: <MsgProto(<EMsg.ClientLogOff: 706> | CMsgClientLogOff)>
2021-01-10T17:56:20.349377 - request_live_game_for_user returned "None"
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,472] DEBUG Connection: Connection error (reader).
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,472] DEBUG Connection: Disconnected.
[2021-01-10 17:56:20,472] DEBUG SteamClient: Emit event: 'disconnected'

I hope this issuse is resolvable. BTW everybody has this proble currently: and both currently have the same issue of not being able to get live match data

KillaBoi commented 3 years ago

It's a Valve issue, the operator of CSGORunner and also me with my discord bot have had this issue as well, only valve can fix it.

rossengeorgiev commented 3 years ago

Is this still available as feature of the game client? If not, then it is likely sunset for good, and should be marked as deprecated.

EloB commented 3 years ago

Has anyone here sent a mail to Valve?

KillaBoi commented 3 years ago

Has anyone here sent a mail to Valve?

I did on the same day we talked about it on discord, I haven't received a response so I'm assuming they've removed it for one reason or another, the only way I can see it working right now is through rich presence but that wont show you player stats and will only show you the score, gamemode and map