ValveSoftware / Dota-2-Vulkan

Tracker for issues specific to the Vulkan version of Dota 2 on Windows, Linux, and macOS
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LOW PERFORMANCE - Why do you keep killing the good renderers Valve? #425

Open mezka opened 1 year ago

mezka commented 1 year ago

System: Xubuntu 22.04

With the OpenGL renderer I was doing about +65 fps at 1080p with everything maxed on a 4690k + R9 280.

Now with the Vulkan renderer I'm doing +30fps at 1080p with everything at bare minimum, everything disabled.


Valve keeps killing the renderers that work well and then wonders why they are hemorraging players.

The DX9 renderer was fantastic, my GFs Core2Duo + 9800gt was doing 60fps at 720p on high.

After Valve killed the DX9 renderer, her computer couldn't play the game anymore.

lennie420 commented 1 year ago

To be fair to Valve here, you and your GF are running quite outdated systems...

0xA50C1A1 commented 5 months ago

Try upgrading your potato PCs. Even a 100 bucks Ryzen 5600G without a discrete GPU is able to provide smooth gameplay with high quality graphics preset (1080p with FSR enabled, ofc).