ValveSoftware / Dota-2-Vulkan

Tracker for issues specific to the Vulkan version of Dota 2 on Windows, Linux, and macOS
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ran out of non-networkable entities #446

Open GAYLORD0805 opened 2 months ago

GAYLORD0805 commented 2 months ago

Hello! I have been having a significant problem for several months now, which greatly prevents me from playing dota 2. The problem is that when I start the rink, the game crashes with the error "ran out of non-networkable entities (see console spew for entity list summary)" (I will also attach a screenshot to the appeal) Thus, almost all games crash (a maximum of 1 game out of 50 starts). I tried to solve the problem myself, but incredibly little has been written on the Internet about this and all the ways that were described there did not help me. I also tried:

  1. Reinstall Dota2
  2. Reinstall Windows
  3. Reinstall Steam
  4. Set low graphics settings in the game and set windowed mode (my computer is not weak)
  5. Change all the components one by one, fortunately there is such an opportunity.
  6. I also tried laptops and other PCs on different systems I only managed to find out that it was my Steam account, because on other accounts (My backup, friends) everything is working fine and there has not been a single departure from the game. Please help me solve this problem, as I really want to participate in the Fallen Crown event Thank you in advance! Sincerely, GAYLORD. Hello! I fulfill all your requirements.
  7. I am attaching an error that I see on departure.
  8. I do not know exactly what the reason for the crash in the game is, but it always happens according to one scenario, now I will list the steps. -Starting the game search
    • The game is on and I accept it -The stage of bans and the election of heroes of both teams is underway -There is a screensaver before the game, where both teams are shown And immediately after that, the game crashes with the error "ran out of non-networkable entities (see console spew for entity list summary)"
  9. Nothing has changed on the computer. And no crashes started after a specific update, they started appearing just like that.
  10. I already described this point in the first letter, but I will repeat it in this letter. This problem occurs on all devices on which I try to play with the "GAYLORD" account
  11. I attach the last two mdmp files. I also read your troubleshooting article. Nothing helped. Steam support could not help, I also attach MDMP files in txt format I'm waiting for your help. 222222 1111111 dota2_2024_0424_071259_0_error.txt
