ValveSoftware / Dota-2

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[OS X 10.10.5] Play Dota Solo Vs Bots stuck at loading screen. #394

Closed codeithuman closed 8 years ago

codeithuman commented 9 years ago

When playing Dota solo vs bots, my machine get stuck at the loading screen. I am playing on my hackintosh.

Let me know if I can provide any other helpful information.


danginsburg commented 8 years ago

Please go to Steam -> Help -> System Information and provide your system specs. Also, please run with -con_logfile and provide the output of game/dota/console.log. Given you are on hackintosh, we may or may not be able to help.

codeithuman commented 8 years ago

This time, when starting a Solo vs Bots match, Dota crashed and OS X gave me a popup message, screenshot below. System specs and console log are below as well. Again, let me know if I can help in any other way.

The specific hardware in my machine can be found here (Google Drive Document).

For my GTX 970 graphics drivers, I am using NVIDIA Web Driver: 346.02.02f01. This is the current up to date version from NVIDIA.

Crash Message: screen shot 2015-09-10 at 9 04 20 am


Unable to open GL shader cache TOC /Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/shadercache/gl/shaders.toc file - might not exist yet.
ERROR: HangWatchdogInternal_BeginScope() - Hang watchdog not implemented for this platform!
ERROR: HangWatchdogInternal_EndScope() - Hang watchdog not implemented for this platform!
Path ID:             File Path:
PLATFORM             "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/pak01.vpk
GAME                 "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/pak01.vpk
GAME                 "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/pak01.vpk
MOD                  "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/pak01.vpk
DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH   "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/pak01.vpk" (vpk) /Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/pak01.vpk
EXECUTABLE_PATH      "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/bin/osx64/" 
PLATFORM             "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/" 
CONTENTROOT          "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/content/" 
GAMEROOT             "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/" 
GAME                 "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/" 
CONTENT              "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/content/dota/" 
GAMEBIN              "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/bin/osx64/" 
GAMEBIN              "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/bin/" 
GAME                 "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/" 
CONTENT              "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/content/core/" 
GAMEBIN              "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/bin/osx64/" 
GAMEBIN              "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/core/bin/" 
MOD                  "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/" 
ADDONS               "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota_addons/" 
CONTENTADDONS        "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/content/dota_addons/" 
DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH   "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/game/dota/" 
SHADER_SOURCE_ROOT   "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/src/shaders/" 
SHADER_SOURCE_MOD    "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/src/shaders/dota/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/src/shaders/dota/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/src/shaders/core/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/src/shaders/dota_addons/" 
SHADER_SOURCE        "/Users/ajrobertson/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/src/shaders/dota_core/" 
command line arguments:
-novid -con_logfile
Physics Console Communications is not initialized
Game supporting (2) split screen players
Sound Initialization: Finish, Sampling Rate: 44100
AssociateNetMessageWithChannelCategoryAbstract: Trying to use an unregistered netchannel category!
AssociateNetMessageWithChannelCategoryAbstract: Trying to use an unregistered netchannel category!
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/HALFLIFE2.vfont'
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/HL2EP2.vfont'
Couldn't find custom font file 'vgui/resource/marlett.ttf'
Load a scaleform font provider?
CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of server) took 125.555 msecs for 607 out of 627 classes
Item set lina_fiery_soul_arcana: No bundle definition specified or found.
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/HALFLIFE2.vfont'
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/HL2crosshairs.vfont'
Requesting page 1 of items
Requesting page 1 of items
CEntitySystem::BuildEntityNetworking (parallel build of client) took 127.281 msecs for 614 out of 635 classes
Item set lina_fiery_soul_arcana: No bundle definition specified or found.
Failed to load inventory shuffle information file "cfg/dota_player_loadout_shuffle.txt"!
Checking AUTO DLC
Could not load file resource/gamemenu.res. Using empty GameMenu keyvalues.
File error loading resource header "panorama/images/textures/startup_background_logo.vtex_c" (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
File error loading resource header "soundevents/music/deadmau5_01/soundevents_music.vsndevts_c" (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
File error loading resource header "soundevents/music/deadmau5_01/soundevents_stingers.vsndevts_c" (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
Texture g_tNoise doesn't exist in materials/deferred_lights/ssao_strong.vmat!
Texture g_tNoise doesn't exist in materials/deferred_lights/ssao_med.vmat!
No valid vcs file found for shader gaussian_bloom_blur.vfx

/Users/buildbot/buildslave/source2_dota_rel_osx64/build/src/materialsystem2/material2.cpp(849): Error creating shader gaussian_bloom_blur.vfx for material materials/dev/gaussian_bloom_blur.vmat!

/Users/buildbot/buildslave/source2_dota_rel_osx64/build/src/materialsystem2/material2.cpp(849): Error creating shader gaussian_bloom_blur.vfx for material materials/dev/gaussian_bloom_blur.vmat!

/Users/buildbot/buildslave/source2_dota_rel_osx64/build/src/materialsystem2/material2.cpp(849): Error creating shader gaussian_bloom_blur.vfx for material materials/dev/gaussian_bloom_blur.vmat!

/Users/buildbot/buildslave/source2_dota_rel_osx64/build/src/materialsystem2/material2.cpp(849): Error creating shader gaussian_bloom_blur.vfx for material materials/dev/gaussian_bloom_blur.vmat!
SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [1] addons []
Idle (levelload)
Allocating new transform texture!
Writing configuration for slot 0
CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::OnClientFrameSimulate switching to "game" loopmode with addons: 
SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [1] addons []
name[ 0 ] changing from 'unnamed' to 'Pinkerton27'
name[ 0 ] changing from 'Pinkerton27' to 'Pinkerton27'
Loaded default network config file.  Loaded revision 22 OK
Loaded cached network config file.  Data contains revision 22, not newer than current revision 22; ignoring.
SV:  maxplayers set to 1
Initializing script VM...
Network configuration revision changed 0 -> 22
CL:  Adding Prequisite CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CCreateGameClientPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CConnectGameClientPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CLoadStartupResourcePrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CLoadSpawnGroupsPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CFinalizeConnectionPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
Got network config from CDN.  Data contains revision 22, not newer than current revision 22; ignoring.
SV:  Spawn Server: <empty>
CL:  CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite done waiting for server
CL:  PS_SATISFIED CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite in sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  CCreateGameClientJob creating client connection to 'loopback'
CL:  PS_SATISFIED CCreateGameClientPrerequisite in sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Sending connect to loopback
SV:  Sending S2C_CHALLENGE [2839394482 auth 2] to loopback
CL:  Received S2C_CHALLENGE [2839394482 auth 2] from loopback
CL:  Sending C2S_CONNECT [42 protocol 2839394482 auth 2] to loopback
SV:  Receiving C2S_CONNECT [protocol 42 2839394482 auth 2] from loopback
SV:  Sending S2C_CONNECTION to loopback [addons:'']
SV:  Sending S2C_CONNECTION to loopback [addons:'']
CL:  Received S2C_CONNECTION from loopback [addons:'']
CL:  Connected to 'loopback'
SV:  Sending server info to client 'Pinkerton27' at loopback
SV:  WriteInitialSpawnGroups sending 1 groups
CL:  PS_SATISFIED CConnectGameClientPrerequisite in sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
Game: "Dota 2"
Map: "<empty>"
Players: 1 (0 bots) / 1 humans
Build: 6893
Server Number: 1
Initializing script VM...
CL:  PS_SATISFIED CLoadStartupResourcePrerequisite in sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  PS_SATISFIED CLoadSpawnGroupsPrerequisite in sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  PS_SATISFIED CFinalizeConnectionPrerequisite in sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  OnStatusFinished for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  CGameClientConnectPrerequisite connection succeeded
SV:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
HO:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
SV:  Game started
CL:  IGameSystem::LoopActivateAllSystems
Failed to load grid nav data, file 'maps/<empty>.gnv' not found!
SV:  Sending full update to client Pinkerton27 (reason:  initial update)
ShouldClientReceiveStringTableUserData called with NULL GameRules() on table userinfo, string 0
CL:  Receiving uncompressed update from server
CL:  Signon traffic "client":  incoming 33.059 KB [7 pkts], outgoing 1.125 KB [6 pkts]
Allocating new transform texture!
!! WARNING: Panorama couldn't fetch or got 0 byte result for layout, panel FriendsFeed won't have correct layout loaded
Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'lhr'.
File error loading resource header "panorama/images/heroes/selection/npc_dota_hero_default_png.vtex_c" (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
/Users/buildbot/buildslave/source2_dota_rel_osx64/build/src/rendersystem/texturebase.cpp(1612):ResourceHandleToData( panorama/images/heroes/selection/npc_dota_hero_default_png.vtex ) failed! Falling back to error texture!
Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'del'.
Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'icn'.
Communications with routing cluster 'icn' established.
Ping measurement complete.
Writing configuration for slot 0
SwitchToLoop levelload requested:  id [2] addons []
CL:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems
CL:  Disconnecting from server: #GameUI_Disconnect_LoopDeactivate
CL:  CPhysicsGameSystem::UnloadSpawnGroupPhysics(backgrounds/dashboard_parallax_test) no such group
CL:  CPhysicsGameSystem::UnloadSpawnGroupPhysics(scenes/find_match_status) no such group
CL:  CPhysicsGameSystem::UnloadSpawnGroupPhysics(scenes/home_button) no such group
SV:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems
HO:  IGameSystem::LoopDeactivateAllSystems
SV:  Disconnect client 'Pinkerton27' from server(1): NETWORK_DISCONNECT_SHUTDOWN
CL:  CLoopModeLevelLoad::OnClientFrameSimulate switching to "game" loopmode with addons: 
SwitchToLoop game requested:  id [2] addons []
SV:  maxplayers set to 64
Initializing script VM...
SV:  Executing listen server config file
S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT'
SV:  CGameRulesGameSystem::GameInit installed game rules
CL:  Adding Prequisite CWaitForGameServerStartupPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CCreateGameClientPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CConnectGameClientPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CLoadStartupResourcePrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CLoadSpawnGroupsPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
CL:  Adding Prequisite CFinalizeConnectionPrerequisite to sequence for CGameClientConnectPrerequisite
exec: couldn't exec listenserver.cfg
UnserializeDMX: Unable to open file "0"
UnserializeDMX: Unable to open file "0"
ERROR: CParticleSnapshot::Unserialize - could not load file 0!
File error loading resource header "materials/models/props_gameplay/dota_ar_frame/dota_ar_frame.vmat_c" (Error: ERROR_FILEOPEN)
Expecting compressed combo data

System Information:

Processor Information:
    Model:  MacPro3,1
    Vendor:  GenuineIntel
    CPU Family:  0x6
    CPU Model:  0x3c
    CPU Stepping:  0x3
    CPU Type:  0x0
    Speed:  105 Mhz
    8 logical processors
    4 physical processors
    HyperThreading:  Supported
    FCMOV:  Supported
    SSE2:  Supported
    SSE3:  Supported
    SSSE3:  Supported
    SSE4a:  Unsupported
    SSE41:  Supported
    SSE42:  Supported

Network Information:
    Network Speed:  

Operating System Version:
    MacOS 10.10.5 (64 bit)

Video Card:
    Driver:  NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

    Driver Version:  1.2
    Driver Date: 0  0
    OpenGL Version: 2.1
    Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
    Monitor Refresh Rate: 120 Hz
    VendorID:  0x10de
    DeviceID:  0x13c2
    Number of Monitors:  1
    Number of Logical Video Cards:  2
    Primary Display Resolution:  1920 x 1080
    Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    Primary Display Size: 20.39" x 11.46"  (23.39" diag)
                                            51.8cm x 29.1cm  (59.4cm diag)
    Primary VRAM: 2047 MB

    RAM:  16384 Mb

    UI Language:  English
    Microphone:  Not set
    Media Type:  DVD
    Total Hard Disk Space Available:  2144983 Mb
    Largest Free Hard Disk Block:  2077820 Mb

Installed software:
    Accessibility Inspector
    Alfred 2
    App Store
    Application Loader
    Arma 3
    Counter-Strike Global Offensive
    Dota 2
    Game Center
    Gmail (Person 1)
    Google Chrome
    Google Drive
    Google Drive (Person 1)
    Google Play Music
    Google Search
    Google Search (Person 1)
    Image Capture
    Logitech Gaming Software
    Mission Control
    Plex Media Server
    YouTube (Person 1)
gdrewb-valve commented 8 years ago

The error message suggests that your Reborn install has some problem. Can you verify your local files (painful, yes, sorry)?

codeithuman commented 8 years ago

Hi @gdrewb-valve, I no longer have this OS X machine set up any and cannot verify the install, sorry!