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[OpenGL]Ubuntu 15.10 Nvidia 340.96(GeForce9800GTX+) Low FPS (10 FPS) but on Windows FPS are 40-60 #773

Closed Jacke closed 7 years ago

Jacke commented 8 years ago

Hello. I have really low FPS about 10 on high and even low graphic settings.

CPU 0:
   vendor_id = "GenuineIntel"
   version information (1/eax):
      processor type  = primary processor (0)
      family          = Intel Pentium Pro/II/III/Celeron/Core/Core 2/Atom, AMD Athlon/Duron, Cyrix M2, VIA C3 (6)
      model           = 0xf (15)
      stepping id     = 0xb (11)
      extended family = 0x0 (0)
      extended model  = 0x0 (0)
      (simple synth)  = Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe G0) / Xeon Processor 3000 (Conroe G0) / Xeon Processor 3200 (Kentsfield G0) / Xeon Processor 7200/7300 (Tigerton G0) / Quad-Core Xeon Processor 5300 (Clovertown G0) / Core 2 Extreme Quad-Core Processor QX6xx0 (Kentsfield G0) / Core 2 Duo Mobile (Merom G2), 65nm
   miscellaneous (1/ebx):
      process local APIC physical ID = 0x0 (0)
      cpu count                      = 0x2 (2)
      CLFLUSH line size              = 0x8 (8)
      brand index                    = 0x0 (0)
   brand id = 0x00 (0): unknown
   feature information (1/edx):
      x87 FPU on chip                        = true
      virtual-8086 mode enhancement          = true
      debugging extensions                   = true
      page size extensions                   = true
      time stamp counter                     = true
      RDMSR and WRMSR support                = true
      physical address extensions            = true
      machine check exception                = true
      CMPXCHG8B inst.                        = true
      APIC on chip                           = true
      SYSENTER and SYSEXIT                   = true
      memory type range registers            = true
      PTE global bit                         = true
      machine check architecture             = true
      conditional move/compare instruction   = true
      page attribute table                   = true
      page size extension                    = true
      processor serial number                = false
      CLFLUSH instruction                    = true
      debug store                            = true
      thermal monitor and clock ctrl         = true
      MMX Technology                         = true
      FXSAVE/FXRSTOR                         = true
      SSE extensions                         = true
      SSE2 extensions                        = true
      self snoop                             = true
      hyper-threading / multi-core supported = true
      therm. monitor                         = true
      IA64                                   = false
      pending break event                    = true
   feature information (1/ecx):
      PNI/SSE3: Prescott New Instructions     = true
      PCLMULDQ instruction                    = false
      64-bit debug store                      = true
      MONITOR/MWAIT                           = true
      CPL-qualified debug store               = true
      VMX: virtual machine extensions         = true
      SMX: safer mode extensions              = true
      Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology     = true
      thermal monitor 2                       = true
      SSSE3 extensions                        = true
      context ID: adaptive or shared L1 data  = false
      FMA instruction                         = false
      CMPXCHG16B instruction                  = true
      xTPR disable                            = true
      perfmon and debug                       = true
      process context identifiers             = false
      direct cache access                     = false
      SSE4.1 extensions                       = false
      SSE4.2 extensions                       = false
      extended xAPIC support                  = false
      MOVBE instruction                       = false
      POPCNT instruction                      = false
      time stamp counter deadline             = false
      AES instruction                         = false
      XSAVE/XSTOR states                      = false
      OS-enabled XSAVE/XSTOR                  = false
      AVX: advanced vector extensions         = false
      F16C half-precision convert instruction = false
      RDRAND instruction                      = false
      hypervisor guest status                 = false
   cache and TLB information (2):
      0xb1: instruction TLB: 2M/4M, 4-way, 4/8 entries
      0xb0: instruction TLB: 4K, 4-way, 128 entries
      0x05: data TLB: 4M pages, 4-way, 32 entries
      0xf0: 64 byte prefetching
      0x57: L1 data TLB: 4K pages, 4-way, 16 entries
      0x56: L1 data TLB: 4M pages, 4-way, 16 entries
      0x49: L3 cache: 4M, 16-way, 64 byte lines
      0x30: L1 cache: 32K, 8-way, 64 byte lines
      0xb4: data TLB: 4K, 4-way, 256 entries
      0x2c: L1 data cache: 32K, 8-way, 64 byte lines
   processor serial number: 0000-06FB-0000-0000-0000-0000
   deterministic cache parameters (4):
      --- cache 0 ---
      cache type                           = data cache (1)
      cache level                          = 0x1 (1)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x0 (0)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1 (1)
      system coherency line size           = 0x3f (63)
      physical line partitions             = 0x0 (0)
      ways of associativity                = 0x7 (7)
      WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower caches = true
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets - 1 (s)               = 63
      --- cache 1 ---
      cache type                           = instruction cache (2)
      cache level                          = 0x1 (1)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x0 (0)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1 (1)
      system coherency line size           = 0x3f (63)
      physical line partitions             = 0x0 (0)
      ways of associativity                = 0x7 (7)
      WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower caches = true
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets - 1 (s)               = 63
      --- cache 2 ---
      cache type                           = unified cache (3)
      cache level                          = 0x2 (2)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x1 (1)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1 (1)
      system coherency line size           = 0x3f (63)
      physical line partitions             = 0x0 (0)
      ways of associativity                = 0xf (15)
      WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower caches = true
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets - 1 (s)               = 4095
      smallest monitor-line size (bytes)       = 0x40 (64)
      largest monitor-line size (bytes)        = 0x40 (64)
      enum of Monitor-MWAIT exts supported     = true
      supports intrs as break-event for MWAIT  = true
      number of C0 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C1 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x2 (2)
      number of C2 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x2 (2)
      number of C3 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C4 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C5 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C6 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C7 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
   Thermal and Power Management Features (6):
      digital thermometer                     = true
      Intel Turbo Boost Technology            = false
      ARAT always running APIC timer          = false
      PLN power limit notification            = false
      ECMD extended clock modulation duty     = false
      PTM package thermal management          = false
      digital thermometer thresholds          = 0x2 (2)
      ACNT/MCNT supported performance measure = true
      ACNT2 available                         = false
      performance-energy bias capability      = false
   extended feature flags (7):
      FSGSBASE instructions                    = false
      IA32_TSC_ADJUST MSR supported            = false
      BMI instruction                          = false
      HLE hardware lock elision                = false
      AVX2: advanced vector extensions 2       = false
      SMEP supervisor mode exec protection     = false
      BMI2 instructions                        = false
      enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB                 = false
      INVPCID instruction                      = false
      RTM: restricted transactional memory     = false
      QM: quality of service monitoring        = false
      deprecated FPU CS/DS                     = false
      intel memory protection extensions       = false
      AVX512F: AVX-512 foundation instructions = false
      RDSEED instruction                       = false
      ADX instructions                         = false
      SMAP: supervisor mode access prevention  = false
      Intel processor trace                    = false
      AVX512PF: prefetch instructions          = false
      AVX512ER: exponent & reciprocal instrs   = false
      AVX512CD: conflict detection instrs      = false
      SHA instructions                         = false
      PREFETCHWT1                              = false
   Direct Cache Access Parameters (9):
      PLATFORM_DCA_CAP MSR bits = 0
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/eax):
      version ID                               = 0x2 (2)
      number of counters per logical processor = 0x2 (2)
      bit width of counter                     = 0x28 (40)
      length of EBX bit vector                 = 0x7 (7)
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/ebx):
      core cycle event not available           = false
      instruction retired event not available  = false
      reference cycles event not available     = false
      last-level cache ref event not available = false
      last-level cache miss event not avail    = false
      branch inst retired event not available  = false
      branch mispred retired event not avail   = false
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/edx):
      number of fixed counters    = 0x3 (3)
      bit width of fixed counters = 0x28 (40)
   extended feature flags (0x80000001/edx):
      SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions        = true
      execution disable                      = true
      1-GB large page support                = false
      RDTSCP                                 = false
      64-bit extensions technology available = true
   Intel feature flags (0x80000001/ecx):
      LAHF/SAHF supported in 64-bit mode     = true
      LZCNT advanced bit manipulation        = false
      3DNow! PREFETCH/PREFETCHW instructions = false
   brand = "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6550  @ 2.33GHz"
   L1 TLB/cache information: 2M/4M pages & L1 TLB (0x80000005/eax):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = 0x0 (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = 0x0 (0)
   L1 TLB/cache information: 4K pages & L1 TLB (0x80000005/ebx):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = 0x0 (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = 0x0 (0)
   L1 data cache information (0x80000005/ecx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 0x0 (0)
      size (Kb)         = 0x0 (0)
   L1 instruction cache information (0x80000005/edx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 0x0 (0)
      size (Kb)         = 0x0 (0)
   L2 TLB/cache information: 2M/4M pages & L2 TLB (0x80000006/eax):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = L2 off (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = L2 off (0)
   L2 TLB/cache information: 4K pages & L2 TLB (0x80000006/ebx):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = L2 off (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = L2 off (0)
   L2 unified cache information (0x80000006/ecx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x40 (64)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 16-way (8)
      size (Kb)         = 0x1000 (4096)
   L3 cache information (0x80000006/edx):
      line size (bytes)     = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag         = 0x0 (0)
      associativity         = L2 off (0)
      size (in 512Kb units) = 0x0 (0)
   Advanced Power Management Features (0x80000007/edx):
      temperature sensing diode      = false
      frequency ID (FID) control     = false
      voltage ID (VID) control       = false
      thermal trip (TTP)             = false
      thermal monitor (TM)           = false
      software thermal control (STC) = false
      100 MHz multiplier control     = false
      hardware P-State control       = false
      TscInvariant                   = false
   Physical Address and Linear Address Size (0x80000008/eax):
      maximum physical address bits         = 0x24 (36)
      maximum linear (virtual) address bits = 0x30 (48)
      maximum guest physical address bits   = 0x0 (0)
   Logical CPU cores (0x80000008/ecx):
      number of CPU cores - 1 = 0x0 (0)
      ApicIdCoreIdSize        = 0x0 (0)
   (multi-processing synth): multi-core (c=2)
   (multi-processing method): Intel leaf 1/4
   (APIC widths synth): CORE_width=1 SMT_width=0
   (APIC synth): PKG_ID=0 CORE_ID=0 SMT_ID=0
   (synth) = Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe G0), 65nm
CPU 1:
   vendor_id = "GenuineIntel"
   version information (1/eax):
      processor type  = primary processor (0)
      family          = Intel Pentium Pro/II/III/Celeron/Core/Core 2/Atom, AMD Athlon/Duron, Cyrix M2, VIA C3 (6)
      model           = 0xf (15)
      stepping id     = 0xb (11)
      extended family = 0x0 (0)
      extended model  = 0x0 (0)
      (simple synth)  = Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe G0) / Xeon Processor 3000 (Conroe G0) / Xeon Processor 3200 (Kentsfield G0) / Xeon Processor 7200/7300 (Tigerton G0) / Quad-Core Xeon Processor 5300 (Clovertown G0) / Core 2 Extreme Quad-Core Processor QX6xx0 (Kentsfield G0) / Core 2 Duo Mobile (Merom G2), 65nm
   miscellaneous (1/ebx):
      process local APIC physical ID = 0x1 (1)
      cpu count                      = 0x2 (2)
      CLFLUSH line size              = 0x8 (8)
      brand index                    = 0x0 (0)
   brand id = 0x00 (0): unknown
   feature information (1/edx):
      x87 FPU on chip                        = true
      virtual-8086 mode enhancement          = true
      debugging extensions                   = true
      page size extensions                   = true
      time stamp counter                     = true
      RDMSR and WRMSR support                = true
      physical address extensions            = true
      machine check exception                = true
      CMPXCHG8B inst.                        = true
      APIC on chip                           = true
      SYSENTER and SYSEXIT                   = true
      memory type range registers            = true
      PTE global bit                         = true
      machine check architecture             = true
      conditional move/compare instruction   = true
      page attribute table                   = true
      page size extension                    = true
      processor serial number                = false
      CLFLUSH instruction                    = true
      debug store                            = true
      thermal monitor and clock ctrl         = true
      MMX Technology                         = true
      FXSAVE/FXRSTOR                         = true
      SSE extensions                         = true
      SSE2 extensions                        = true
      self snoop                             = true
      hyper-threading / multi-core supported = true
      therm. monitor                         = true
      IA64                                   = false
      pending break event                    = true
   feature information (1/ecx):
      PNI/SSE3: Prescott New Instructions     = true
      PCLMULDQ instruction                    = false
      64-bit debug store                      = true
      MONITOR/MWAIT                           = true
      CPL-qualified debug store               = true
      VMX: virtual machine extensions         = true
      SMX: safer mode extensions              = true
      Enhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology     = true
      thermal monitor 2                       = true
      SSSE3 extensions                        = true
      context ID: adaptive or shared L1 data  = false
      FMA instruction                         = false
      CMPXCHG16B instruction                  = true
      xTPR disable                            = true
      perfmon and debug                       = true
      process context identifiers             = false
      direct cache access                     = false
      SSE4.1 extensions                       = false
      SSE4.2 extensions                       = false
      extended xAPIC support                  = false
      MOVBE instruction                       = false
      POPCNT instruction                      = false
      time stamp counter deadline             = false
      AES instruction                         = false
      XSAVE/XSTOR states                      = false
      OS-enabled XSAVE/XSTOR                  = false
      AVX: advanced vector extensions         = false
      F16C half-precision convert instruction = false
      RDRAND instruction                      = false
      hypervisor guest status                 = false
   cache and TLB information (2):
      0xb1: instruction TLB: 2M/4M, 4-way, 4/8 entries
      0xb0: instruction TLB: 4K, 4-way, 128 entries
      0x05: data TLB: 4M pages, 4-way, 32 entries
      0xf0: 64 byte prefetching
      0x57: L1 data TLB: 4K pages, 4-way, 16 entries
      0x56: L1 data TLB: 4M pages, 4-way, 16 entries
      0x49: L3 cache: 4M, 16-way, 64 byte lines
      0x30: L1 cache: 32K, 8-way, 64 byte lines
      0xb4: data TLB: 4K, 4-way, 256 entries
      0x2c: L1 data cache: 32K, 8-way, 64 byte lines
   processor serial number: 0000-06FB-0000-0000-0000-0000
   deterministic cache parameters (4):
      --- cache 0 ---
      cache type                           = data cache (1)
      cache level                          = 0x1 (1)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x0 (0)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1 (1)
      system coherency line size           = 0x3f (63)
      physical line partitions             = 0x0 (0)
      ways of associativity                = 0x7 (7)
      WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower caches = true
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets - 1 (s)               = 63
      --- cache 1 ---
      cache type                           = instruction cache (2)
      cache level                          = 0x1 (1)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x0 (0)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1 (1)
      system coherency line size           = 0x3f (63)
      physical line partitions             = 0x0 (0)
      ways of associativity                = 0x7 (7)
      WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower caches = true
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets - 1 (s)               = 63
      --- cache 2 ---
      cache type                           = unified cache (3)
      cache level                          = 0x2 (2)
      self-initializing cache level        = true
      fully associative cache              = false
      extra threads sharing this cache     = 0x1 (1)
      extra processor cores on this die    = 0x1 (1)
      system coherency line size           = 0x3f (63)
      physical line partitions             = 0x0 (0)
      ways of associativity                = 0xf (15)
      WBINVD/INVD behavior on lower caches = true
      inclusive to lower caches            = false
      complex cache indexing               = false
      number of sets - 1 (s)               = 4095
      smallest monitor-line size (bytes)       = 0x40 (64)
      largest monitor-line size (bytes)        = 0x40 (64)
      enum of Monitor-MWAIT exts supported     = true
      supports intrs as break-event for MWAIT  = true
      number of C0 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C1 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x2 (2)
      number of C2 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x2 (2)
      number of C3 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C4 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C5 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C6 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
      number of C7 sub C-states using MWAIT    = 0x0 (0)
   Thermal and Power Management Features (6):
      digital thermometer                     = true
      Intel Turbo Boost Technology            = false
      ARAT always running APIC timer          = false
      PLN power limit notification            = false
      ECMD extended clock modulation duty     = false
      PTM package thermal management          = false
      digital thermometer thresholds          = 0x2 (2)
      ACNT/MCNT supported performance measure = true
      ACNT2 available                         = false
      performance-energy bias capability      = false
   extended feature flags (7):
      FSGSBASE instructions                    = false
      IA32_TSC_ADJUST MSR supported            = false
      BMI instruction                          = false
      HLE hardware lock elision                = false
      AVX2: advanced vector extensions 2       = false
      SMEP supervisor mode exec protection     = false
      BMI2 instructions                        = false
      enhanced REP MOVSB/STOSB                 = false
      INVPCID instruction                      = false
      RTM: restricted transactional memory     = false
      QM: quality of service monitoring        = false
      deprecated FPU CS/DS                     = false
      intel memory protection extensions       = false
      AVX512F: AVX-512 foundation instructions = false
      RDSEED instruction                       = false
      ADX instructions                         = false
      SMAP: supervisor mode access prevention  = false
      Intel processor trace                    = false
      AVX512PF: prefetch instructions          = false
      AVX512ER: exponent & reciprocal instrs   = false
      AVX512CD: conflict detection instrs      = false
      SHA instructions                         = false
      PREFETCHWT1                              = false
   Direct Cache Access Parameters (9):
      PLATFORM_DCA_CAP MSR bits = 0
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/eax):
      version ID                               = 0x2 (2)
      number of counters per logical processor = 0x2 (2)
      bit width of counter                     = 0x28 (40)
      length of EBX bit vector                 = 0x7 (7)
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/ebx):
      core cycle event not available           = false
      instruction retired event not available  = false
      reference cycles event not available     = false
      last-level cache ref event not available = false
      last-level cache miss event not avail    = false
      branch inst retired event not available  = false
      branch mispred retired event not avail   = false
   Architecture Performance Monitoring Features (0xa/edx):
      number of fixed counters    = 0x3 (3)
      bit width of fixed counters = 0x28 (40)
   extended feature flags (0x80000001/edx):
      SYSCALL and SYSRET instructions        = true
      execution disable                      = true
      1-GB large page support                = false
      RDTSCP                                 = false
      64-bit extensions technology available = true
   Intel feature flags (0x80000001/ecx):
      LAHF/SAHF supported in 64-bit mode     = true
      LZCNT advanced bit manipulation        = false
      3DNow! PREFETCH/PREFETCHW instructions = false
   brand = "Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6550  @ 2.33GHz"
   L1 TLB/cache information: 2M/4M pages & L1 TLB (0x80000005/eax):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = 0x0 (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = 0x0 (0)
   L1 TLB/cache information: 4K pages & L1 TLB (0x80000005/ebx):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = 0x0 (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = 0x0 (0)
   L1 data cache information (0x80000005/ecx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 0x0 (0)
      size (Kb)         = 0x0 (0)
   L1 instruction cache information (0x80000005/edx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 0x0 (0)
      size (Kb)         = 0x0 (0)
   L2 TLB/cache information: 2M/4M pages & L2 TLB (0x80000006/eax):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = L2 off (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = L2 off (0)
   L2 TLB/cache information: 4K pages & L2 TLB (0x80000006/ebx):
      instruction # entries     = 0x0 (0)
      instruction associativity = L2 off (0)
      data # entries            = 0x0 (0)
      data associativity        = L2 off (0)
   L2 unified cache information (0x80000006/ecx):
      line size (bytes) = 0x40 (64)
      lines per tag     = 0x0 (0)
      associativity     = 16-way (8)
      size (Kb)         = 0x1000 (4096)
   L3 cache information (0x80000006/edx):
      line size (bytes)     = 0x0 (0)
      lines per tag         = 0x0 (0)
      associativity         = L2 off (0)
      size (in 512Kb units) = 0x0 (0)
   Advanced Power Management Features (0x80000007/edx):
      temperature sensing diode      = false
      frequency ID (FID) control     = false
      voltage ID (VID) control       = false
      thermal trip (TTP)             = false
      thermal monitor (TM)           = false
      software thermal control (STC) = false
      100 MHz multiplier control     = false
      hardware P-State control       = false
      TscInvariant                   = false
   Physical Address and Linear Address Size (0x80000008/eax):
      maximum physical address bits         = 0x24 (36)
      maximum linear (virtual) address bits = 0x30 (48)
      maximum guest physical address bits   = 0x0 (0)
   Logical CPU cores (0x80000008/ecx):
      number of CPU cores - 1 = 0x0 (0)
      ApicIdCoreIdSize        = 0x0 (0)
   (multi-processing synth): multi-core (c=2)
   (multi-processing method): Intel leaf 1/4
   (APIC widths synth): CORE_width=1 SMT_width=0
   (APIC synth): PKG_ID=0 CORE_ID=1 SMT_ID=0
   (synth) = Intel Core 2 Duo (Conroe G0), 65nm

GPU Info

stan@rapture:~$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/gpus/0000\:04\:00.0/information 
Model:       GeForce 9800 GTX+
IRQ:         27
GPU UUID:    GPU-04ecefe2-6e6b-7bd8-a335-0fb187df31c5
Video BIOS:
Bus Type:    PCIe
DMA Size:    40 bits
DMA Mask:    0xffffffffff
Bus Location:    0000:04:00.0

Have anyone got any idea about fix?

gdrewb-valve commented 8 years ago

Did you get your numbers on Windows using -gl to compare OpenGL vs. OpenGL?

Tele42 commented 8 years ago

This is most likely vram pressure related.

Jacke commented 8 years ago

Just as expected. On windows with OpenGL flag FPS almost same as in Linux. DirectX (Max Graphic sets) OpenGL(Max Graphic sets)

Anyway I know, that this GPU is old, but I'm not sure, that is common case, use Source 2 with OpenGL(and not use OpenGLxDirectX bridge) and make lack of FPS

For recap here info from Steam runned on Windows

Processor Information:
    Vendor:  GenuineIntel
    CPU Family:  0x6
    CPU Model:  0xf
    CPU Stepping:  0xb
    CPU Type:  0x0
    Speed:  2333 Mhz
    2 logical processors
    2 physical processors
    HyperThreading:  Unsupported
    FCMOV:  Supported
    SSE2:  Supported
    SSE3:  Supported
    SSSE3:  Supported
    SSE4a:  Unsupported
    SSE41:  Unsupported
    SSE42:  Unsupported

Network Information:
    Network Speed:  

Operating System Version:
    Windows 7 (64 bit)
    NTFS:  Supported
    Crypto Provider Codes:  Supported 311 0x0 0x0 0x0

Video Card:
    Driver:  NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+

    DirectX Driver Name:  nvd3dum.dll
    Driver Version:
    DirectX Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 13 Oct 2015
    OpenGL Version: 3.3
    Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
    Monitor Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
    DirectX Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GTX+
    VendorID:  0x10de
    DeviceID:  0x613
    Number of Monitors:  2
    Number of Logical Video Cards:  2
    No SLI or Crossfire Detected
    Primary Display Resolution:  1680 x 1050
    Desktop Resolution: 3600 x 1080
    Primary Display Size: 23.35" x 14.57"  (27.48" diag)
                                            59.3cm x 37.0cm  (69.8cm diag)
    Primary Bus: PCI Express 16x
    Primary VRAM: 512 MB
    Supported MSAA Modes:  2x 4x 8x 

Sound card:
    Audio device: ???????? (?????????? ? ????????

    RAM:  4094 Mb

    UI Language:  English
    Microphone:  Not set
    Media Type:  Undetermined
    Total Hard Disk Space Available:  910451 Mb
    Largest Free Hard Disk Block:  20477 Mb
    OS Install Date: ??? 01 1970
    Game Controller: None detected

For test purposes, did you really cancel DirectX->OpenGL project? Can I run on Source 2? Yeah, I know that engine itself support OpenGL natively, but maybe...

gdrewb-valve commented 8 years ago

Good, at least that pins it down to the OpenGL renderer instead of a system-specific problem.

Tele42 commented 8 years ago

@Jacke: ToGL, which is used with source 1 because source 1 internally generates a d3d9 command stream, is a minimalistic translation layer that only knows how to use the parts of d3d9 that are used in source 1. If you want to try a directx render path on linux, you should be using wine, which has a robust d3d9 to opengl translation layer and runs outside of source 2.

What Desktop Environment are you using and have you tried a lightweight DE like xfce or mate? (both use significantly less vram than gnome 3, KDE, and Unity)

Jacke commented 8 years ago

@Tele42 Yeah, I've already switch from Unity to Xfce, and yeah +2-3 FPS was added, but as @gdrewb-valve said it's not system-specific issue. I think that 9800GTX doesn't have enough memory and new OpenGL instructions(in system conf GPU support only OpenGL 3.3) and 3.3 instructions take down more memory(because on Windows same thing happened). Now I'm testing d3d9 with wine and I will make a report soon.

admshao commented 8 years ago

I opened multiple tabs for git and posted on wrong one. Sorry

gdrewb-valve commented 7 years ago

7.00 has changed performance significantly so we are closing out old perf issues in favor of #1101. Anybody on this issue is welcome to post their current 7.00 performance experience here (not 1101) even after this is closed so that we can get updated information.