ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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Recent update appears to have tanked performance while leaving resources unused #10176

Open ndeakin opened 1 year ago

ndeakin commented 1 year ago


Prior to ~3 weeks ago, I would regularly get ~120fps, sometimes dipping to around 90fps during teamfights late game.

Over the last week at least, I still get ~120fps in demo mode, but in game, regularly get around 60fps. The weird part is, I have plenty of resources available; GPU+CPU utlization is around 30%, with ~4gb ram and 8gb gpu memory available when this occurs. Previously, I recall having fewer extra resources available, but still plenty extra.

My computer resources are primarily there for dota, so it's quite inconvenient that it's not willing to use them. In the past, it was still peculiar that I'd be left with 10s of percent of processing and memory resources and be dropping below my settings limit of 140 fps, but now it's reached a point of really just being inconceivable why FPS is less than half my set limit, with plenty of resources available for dota to use. The most likely cause seems to be a DotA update, given nothing else has historically caused such dramatic changes to my framerate.

I'm not sure if a match ID is super useful here, but have attached one where I observed this in case it is.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)



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ndeakin commented 1 year ago

Turning off compute shaders got things back to the initial state I mention in the initial bug report. So, it seems the cause is most likely related to a regression in the compute shader implementation. I have an nvidia 2080 Ti, and don't think this is related to any graphics driver updates based on the timing of when it started occurring, but it's a possibility worth considering too.