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Improve Punishment system #10301

Open JQINX opened 1 year ago

JQINX commented 1 year ago


I hope devs can see the need for improvement in punishment system for pub players. Game is outstanding in full party match ups and tournaments. But those of us who play solo or small party find it difficult to find justice being implemented.

Firstly reports are limited.

Limited reports enable the griefer to get away without any consequence or punishment. Every one does not play same number of matches in a week. Please let players earn the reports through matches they play or any other criteria which will enable them to earn reports instead of giving 5 reports per week. Earning reports by successful reporting happens rarely as most of the time people don't even have the report available to them to submit. If that griefer plays normal next games our reports for the grieved match go wasted.

LP is the worst. In Lp there are players who would just alt+tab placing their heroes in fog near creep waves and never take part in whole match. This kind of behavior should not be acceptable. Such players should not go unpunished. It is unfair to 4 other players who make an effort to get out of Lp and not being able to do anything about the griefer who would no even try to make an effort to play.

Comm reports abuse.

If any one uses comm he is vulnerable to comm reports. It is disgusting that people don't use that feature with responsibility. I hope some algorithm is setup to check for racism, derogatory remarks and abuse.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

No response


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Pallu08 commented 1 year ago

Ah, so you're in low priority?

Take a moment to consider why you're in low priority rather than trying to turn your punishment into a fun experience.

JQINX commented 1 year ago

I'm not a toxic player but I don't have electricity 24/7. From where I play we always have load shedding and electric supply gets cut which makes it difficult to maintain behavior score. So please stop assuming every one who is making a complaint is on same level. However, I didn't in any way made a complaint because I need things to be better for myself. But made a general complaint for which every one who plays solo or goes in Lp suffers from same experience. It would not be beneficial for me but for all the players who like to spend time playing pub matches. So take a moment before writing a comment and making insulting remarks.

JQINX commented 1 year ago

I hope any of the ice dev team can address these issues. Just these small reforms will enable players focus game better knowing they will get some justice if a player is doing wrong in team and their time spent has value.

Pallu08 commented 1 year ago

Take a moment to consider why you're in low priority rather than trying to turn your punishment into a fun experience.

Eww, a Valve apologist. Imagine thinking that all people in LPQ or at low behaviour score belong there. You're beyond clueless.

The title of your other thread, "It's Time to Reset Behaviour Score" implies that you've been a part of the community for a while and know this is how the bad behavior system has always worked.

Further the fact that you took my observations of your behavior so personally that you went into my post history to hijack another thread I commented on.

You're proving to myself and to everyone else that you are exactly where you belong. :)