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Morphling Aghanim and Spectre's illusions #10321

Open amabunny opened 1 year ago

amabunny commented 1 year ago

Ability name

Morph upgraded by Aghanim Scepter


When I use shadow step or haunt, morphling uses Morph skill on illusion and steals attributes from the main character. Is it normal behavior? In my opinion it looks like a bug.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7264393246 - 28:44

amabunny commented 1 year ago

and it also works with manta style...

armanmasangkay commented 1 year ago

Can you show the steps to replicate?

amabunny commented 1 year ago
  1. Need 2 characters: Morphling with aghanim and Spectre (or any hero with manta style)
  2. Cast haunt, shadow step or manta style
  3. Cast Morphling ultimate on illusion
  4. See that attributes stolen from the main hero
Smittywerbenjagerman commented 1 year ago

I don't know if it is intended, but this works with all illusions for all heroes, and has since this version of his aghanims came out.

OwLester commented 1 year ago

still beta 2023